Thursday, September 01, 2005

Hurricane Katrina

My thoughts, and some of Sheila's, on Hurricane Katrina. This is going to be a very taboo blog. Everyone has a different feeling or take on the disaster. And it is a disaster, no doubt. My disclaimer: I am not a racist and i am not cold hearted. Where to begin...

The people who have been affected are going nuts! They are angry and upset. Of course, they should be. But the things they have been doing are unacceptable. Now i'm not an idiot, when i say "they", it isn't everyone. So i'm talking about those people who are looting, burning things, shooting at people, etc. Have you all read some of the stuff that has been going on? A Wal-Mart was totally cleaned out in their gun department and who ever bought...oops, i mean stole, the guns are shooting them off in the air at night. A police officer got shot in the head by someone who stole a gun. Now they are shooting at the rescue helicopters at the Superdome. What the fuck is going on? Have these people all gone crazy? Do i really want to donate money to these people?? Not exactly. But moving on...

There are families crammed into hotels and everything is under water and there are no supplies whatsoever. All the people who decided to stay and ignore the warnings to get out kinda got what they wait before you get angry at this statement. When i say this there are exceptions of course. No one deserves to die this way. If you have no family to run to or your ill or poor or any other reason preventing you from going somewhere else, its a horrible thing. If you thought that you'd risk your life and your family's lives because you thought this hurricane would downgrade at some point then your an idiot, why would you play God? This is mother nature people! Which brings me to my next topic.

Why are all these people so angry that they aren't being helped? They're looting hospitals and stealing from ambulance's. If you have to steal for food and water, ok, i guess i'd say its justified. When we have earthquakes, the disaster brings us together. What is going on over there? No one is coming together that i've heard about. It almost seems as though the media is holding back the bad stuff that is going on cuz its so taboo to say it. I think it may have been the Mayor of New Orleans who said it, "what bothers me most is that tradgedies like these should bring out the best in people, and in this case, its brought out the worst!" Its so fucking true. They were warned to have the supplies ready and they didn't, so now they are pissed off like the gov't owes them something. Now i'm from California, and all i have is the media to go by here but, i don't think the gov't, the President, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama or even terrorists had anything to do with screwing these people over with a hurricane. Its mother nature, no one owes you anything, no one thought that "those places need to be wiped out".

If i'm going to donate any kind of anything, i'm donating to the city of Houston who will now be receiving these wonderful angry people. Good luck to Texas. These hurricane survivors have found a new home.

As a final thought: Everyone needs to relax over there. Help is coming as best it can. If you look around, there's lots of water, it won't be easy. If you cooperate it will be easier for everyone. Please stop the shooting, and the raping (unconfirmed), the burning, the looting and the yelling. As Sheila said so perfectly: "Help me, help you."

Your comments are more than welcomed!


Pete said...

good post Lauri. It needed to be said.

Jeff said...

I agree. There are even people setting up fake charities to rip off people looking to donate. I'm sure Satan is in hell saying "man, that's some fucked up shit."

Amanda Jane said...

i need to respond to more of your posts..i have this bad habit of responding to only the latest post that i happen to visit when i haven't even read all of them...Well said about all the hurricane stuff. AND it's like 100 degrees over there...