Thursday, June 02, 2005

The interconnectedness of all things

I was expecting a blog from Randy today or last night. he called me sounding all depressed that I would go out for hump day happy hour. Sorry but #1 I continue to be broke and have to save for vegas. #2 I was still getting over drinking all day on Memorial day. I don't have your regenerative powers. "The force is strong with me...but not that strong". Damn I gots a lot of Star Wars references goin on these days. I suppose once all the hype subsides I'll have room in my brain for something else. The truth is that I'm actually a bit stoked that Episode III wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. Don't get me wrong it was a piece of crap but just not the decroded piece of crap I thought it was gonna be. I'm a sucker for a good lightsaber battle. back in the day we had these huge plastic lightsabers that had vents cut in the top so that when you swung them they made that signature whooshing sound. It was sweet. Anyway, back to Randy. Whats wrong dude. Was KD givin you shit? i don't doubt it. Wanna hear a coincidence? Last night I was watching A Time to Kill with Matthew McCona(however the fuck you spell it) and Ashley Judd. And then today I was watching Star Trek and who was in it? A young Ashley Judd, having a crush on a certain Wil Wheaton. Nice. Also at the same time A Time to Kill was on, also starring Samuel Jackson, Jackie Brown was on IFC starring Samuel Jackson. Also there is a white 1980 Honda Civic that has been for sale near Lauri's House forever. In the Movie Jackie Brown drives that same car. In Pulp Fiction also directed by Tarantino Bruce Willis Drives that car. In Outta Sight George Clooney drives the car. Both Jackie Brown and Out of Sight were based on books by Elmore Leonard. Who used to star in Star Trek? Leonard Nimoy. Think about that next time you think the Universe is random. (also, one time I went into Blockbuster to rent a movie and they punched my card number into the computer. They puched the wrong number in the computer but guess who's card number they did come up with...a Mr. Randy M.) The Matrix has you...

1 comment:

Lauri said...

Crazy blog Pete. I do remember now that whole blockbuster thing. that was trippy!