Thursday, June 23, 2005

Just a Blog

So It's Thursday night. Nothing exciting happened at all today. I stayed in the entire day. It was more or less a waste of a day. I imported some songs to Itunes from some CD's I have. I now have 92 songs so far. I got some bags of laundry together. I am going to go up to Sierra Madre tomorrow and get them washed. I still have lots to do but these are the important clothes.
This blog is so lame right now. So Shiela hasn't blogged for 2 days now, wassup with that? Oh well I guess when you have a job sometimes you just don't have time.
I am so looking forward to this weekend, besides the fact that I have to work tomorrow night and Saturday during the day, there is a lot to look forward to. I got my Graduation Party on Sunday which will be totally fun and then Saturday night George is having a party that I am going to visit.
We went to the Crown last night for Hump Day Happy Hour. It was cool we hung out with Emily while she told us about her tours. It was interesting. Nothing really interesting has happened lately, which sucks.
I will be glad when Pete and Lauri get back they will have some good stories about Yosemite I am assuming. Not that this hasn't been fun blogging with only Shiela and Alexut it just works better when there re a lot of of other people pontificating about their day. Especially when I pull this kind of crap out.
Alright I am done. PEACE!!


Alex said...

Who's Alexut?

Pete said...

Thats your Eskimo name that you adopted up in the north.