Tuesday, July 18, 2006

There's Beauty in the Breakdown

Okay so Maybe I wasn't actually on the verge of losing my mind, just really bored at work. And not the like, "Oh, I'm kinda bored today, I think I'll play some solitaire..." But more like the movie "Moment of realization" kind of bored. You know what I'm talking about. Here's how the scene would be shot: It's me sitting at my desk staring into my computer but not actually doing any work...(think Keanu Reeves in the Matrix right before Fed Ex delivers Morpheus' phone...) Cut to my face, a look of sorrow, a look of bewilderment, the glow of a blank computer screen reflects in my eyes. Slowly I look up, realizing that I can hear the flourescent lights buzzing. The buzzing is amplified for effect. I look over. In the cubicle next to me, the girl is shopping online for clothes. I look back forward, the buzzing of the lights is getting louder. Slowly, I begin breathing more and more heavily. Or maybe not, maybe its more subtle than that, maybe I just continue to stare straight ahead, but you know something is going on in my head. I slowly look over, there's my coat (For the puposes of this scene its winter) I stand up, I put my arms out and look around (think Jerry Maguire) I say nothing, grab my coat, and walk outside, suddenly the music comes up, Its the Shins New Slang. Now I'm on the sidewalk, hands in my coat pocket breathing steam and with an ever so slight grin on my face. Fade to black with the camera at my back as I walk into the distance. You know in your heart that I'm headed for a new life, outside this boring pointless rat race job. Roll Credits. It almost happened people I swear to god. Then I remembered I don't have one of those boring Rat Race type jobs. So instead of losing it, or walking out. I just went to Wahoos, got a couple of fish tacos and went back to work a little later when I would have something to do.

I saw "A Scanner Darkly" with Lauri the other night. I had an unfortunate movie experience earlier in the week and vowed to forsake theatres forever, but then decided I'd better get right back on the horse. I'll still never go back to the AMC Arcadia. EVER. Anyway, if you have a chance to see A Scanner Darkly...don't. What a let down. Its directed by the same guy that directed "Dazed and Confused" and its like, "what if I took those characters and put them in a old school Sci Fi Story. If you took out all the scenes when the characters are sitting around acting stoned, this movie is a half hour long...and better for it I might add.

I discovered a new Pink Floyd song that kicks ass. Its called "Wish You Were Here". It includes the line, if I'm hearing right, "do you think you can tell...a smile from a veil...". It is largely unencombered by the weirdness that renders most Pink Floyd songs unavailable for casual listening.

Jeff was trying to track me down today. Something about spreading rumors? Perhaps he's refering the the public urination incident, which did happen but is certainly nothing to be ashamed of. Or perhaps that was a mere pretense to get his hands on me for buying one too many Bushmill shots. I actually found it very hospitable of him not to turn any of them down, despite the verbal abuse and obscene gestures that followed each one. It was heartbreaking to see them go down the toilet. I guess they end up there one way or another its just a matter of time. It's not my fault, that dude can hold his liquor and I couldn't tell he was drunk. Thankfully, I don't carry a cell phone and am diabolically hard to get a hold of.

That's it you marvelously, magnificent sons of bitches.


appojax said...

pete now i am further and more strongly convinced that people, not unlike you and i, know the secret to happiness.

Jeff said...

I didn't remember the urination incident. However, there was a faded memory of a blue dumpster, which my brother later told me I urinated on. I honestly think I've hit that dumpster before. That last shot ruined my Sunday and part of my Monday. You bastard.

Pete said...

Well...you should be thanking me for all the shots before that last shot. If your fiance was anyone else besides my lifelong friend, she might call me a bad influence. Besides I remember a phone call in which you stated and I quote, "I wanna get really fuckin' drunk." Did you expect me to fail in my mission. Never! Just be glad no one gave you shit about leaving a half drunk mug of Newcastle at Jakes. Where I come from, floks would not be so forgiving.

Amanda Jane said...

Ask Jeff about why he had to rinse off his glasses that night...sorry Jeff, I couldn't resist.

Anonymous said...

did you really JUST discover that Pink Floyd song??

Pete said...

I did, you know what else I just discovered? Moonlight Mile by the Rolling Stones...Including the lyric: "oh I'm sleeping under strange strange Skies." I'm always discovering new music from the Classic Rock days. I dread the days when I can't find any new music.