Monday, May 11, 2009

The Pantene Effect

There was no bar soap in the shower this morning. Which I knew because there was no bar soap in the shower yesterday, because I used it all. But of course my half sleeping pre-morning shower brain didn't realize this until I was good and wet. Lauri had already left for work so there was no yelling out, "Lauri, bring me some soap!" So two very simple options present themselves, the first is to towel off, walk to the hall closet, dripping on the carpet on the way and get a new bar of soap orrrrrr I could improvise. Shampoo is soap right? It's just liquid soap. People use liquid soap all the time with those loofas. So yes, I washed myself with shampoo this morning. I washed my armpits, I washed my apendages, and yes I washed my unmentionables with shampoo. I find that my pubes are especially soft, shiny and managable today.
***As of this publication there is still no bar soap in the shower


Lauri said...

i'm so embarrassed. and now there is soap in the shower.

Pete said...

You can't fight it babe. I'm Pantene Clean now.

sheila said...

so what did you wash with, lauri?