Wednesday, August 11, 2010

To Clean or Not to Clean

I'm going back and forth about whether or not i should hire a cleaning service. I'm also not sure if i want to hire someone that family and friends use or just get a company in to start my house off fresh again. I've called two companies for estimates and apparently the one factor that makes the price go higher is the fact that i have a dog. Poor Barney. He does make cleaning the house much more difficult. Perhaps that's why i feel the need to get outside help. I'm getting bigger and slower and cleaning every weekend just doesn't sound fun to me these days. i guess i'm not in the "nesting stage" quite yet. Has anyone used a cleaning company before? is it worth it? Any recommendations?


Jeff said...

We can ask our person if she needs more work. She's a more obsessive cleaner than you and we love her.

Amanda Jane said...

I say even if you have someone come in once a month after you have a kid it might be worth it...

appojax said...

People have told me that this is the best way to clean a house. The cleaner will be more objective and therefore more effective. Just don't leave anything out that you want to hold on to.

I had to clean out a cooler that'd been left outside full of food for months, through rain and heat. It had a once-thriving micro-civilization in there. yummy