Thursday, January 06, 2011

ti·rade /ˈtīrād/ Noun: A long, angry speech of criticism or accusation.

here goes...

i work with people who don't give a shit, which i find incredibly annoying... because i do give a shit. i care about putting in my 8 hours each day. i care about doing a good job. i care about other peoples' feelings and always choose my words and actions carefully to avoid hurting them.

i wish that i could abandon all my work ethic and the consideration i give this damned place. i want to do the bare minimum while reaping all the benefits, too. i want to say anything to anyone and not care. i want to come in late, take long lunches, leave early and not think twice about it.

...but then i would be just another one of those people who takes and takes and feels so entitled all the time. i would rather just be hateful and blog about it occasionally.

1 comment:

Lauri said...

yay Sheila is blogging! what makes matters worse is that there isn't a holiday in the near future to have time away from work. meh!