Saturday, April 12, 2008


Well its definately been a while since i've blogged. My apologies. Its gonna be super HOT this weekend. Its only 8am and i've got the air conditioner on.

So what's been going on with me lately? I'll tell ya! First i went to Texas a few weeks ago. It was really a good trip. Lots got accomplished. My sisters and I got fitted for bridesmaid dresses. That was an experience. Apparently they put you in a huge sized dress and then they get large binder clips to pull back the dress to show what it should look like. The dresses we got are very cool. I also got sick while i visited, but i managed. Then it was back to work....

But guess what, i'm not gonna talk about work because this is Life Outside The Rat Race!

Pete and I have Randy living with us. Its not that bad. My only thing is that i have to get used to closing the bedroom door and stuff when i change. No more walking around naked! But Randy is very good about taking out trash and clearing the dishwasher and just keeping his stuff in the places they belong. These will all be learning experiences i shall teach to make sure he survives on his own. Randy says he'll be getting his cell phone hooked up soon. But in the meantime, feel free to contact him at our home number. What else....

hey so i think its time to offically put on rotation Sunday Funday! The weather is getting great and the days are longer. I'm just throwing that out there.

Alright i'm going to get back to work. I got The Home Show this weekend. If anyone is interested in home stuff, come on down!!!


Lynlee said...

What exactly is "home stuff?" Are we talking about say, windows, or spoons, or couches? Just curious

appojax said...

lauri, i didn't know you were into nudism. i can think of a handful of people who like to sleep in the buff.

home stuff rules!!!