Wednesday, April 09, 2008


THIS IS A LONG POST.Hey guys I finally went on a business trip this past week. Some of you might know that I left working for the City to help my Dad and work for The Cordova Chamber Of Commerce and I went to anchorage this past week. I was working for the Chamber at THE GREAT ALASKAN SPORTSMAN'S SHOW! It's like a big trade show with various booths with different cities, rafting equipment, guns, fishing poles, and more things Alaskans use (yes Pete even Bear Spray containing testimonials about it). I was there to promote Cordova which is pretty cool I'm promoting a City. Anyway I was there with my Dad helping him because he doesn't have the strength to lift the things we had and I set everything up in our booth containing A huge velcro board for pictures , 8 boxes of ferry schedules, 4 boxes of cordova brochures, 3 boxes of prince william sound brochures, and other things. I talked to a lot of people and swayed them to come to Cordova along with Captain Ron and First Mate April who run a charter business, Harbormaster Dale Muma and City Receptionist Sue Muma, and Alaskan Realty head Linden O'Toole. But enough about my work being in Anchorage was great. I went to the dentist, bought some pants, went to chain restaurants (chili's, applebees, etc.) and indulged myself in many pleasures Cordova doesn't have. Most notably happy hour and gentlemen clubs. Look I know about the gentlemen clubs but c'mon I live in a place where the girls are too old or too young I need to go to see some women my age. I know they just want my money and I'm not trying to date them but give me a break. But these clubs are a lot different then the ones I'm used to in Cali. 1) Alcohol is served and it's not 5 bucks for a small coke. 2) Laps are only topless and no hands. 3) The DJ's play full songs which came in handy cuz I got a lap from a girl during some long songs. Anyway the first one I went to was the best rated one called THE GREAT ALASKAN BUSH COMPANY SHOW CLUB it was pretty good with some lookers but I only went form 4- 6 during my Dad's nap and then after dinner he told me he was going to sleep like at 9 so I went again after 9 is the time even though thee more people there were also more girls and better looking. But they are also more freaky such as one girl named Heiress (supposedly she's a heir to a fortune her family has her real name is Letoria) after 2 laps asked if I had a $1,000 dollars cuz if I did I could have sex with her and her girlfriend (she doesn't like to"work" alone). I said no (but I did but if i gave her the money) I would have not a lot in my bank account, didn't know if we had to do it the apartment where I and my Dad were staying, and I didn't know these girls they could've drugged me and I would wake up in a tub of ice. After some laps from Heiress I was about to leave when a girl named Yasmine came and again as I was getting some laps she offered me some sex by asking how much money I had. I told her about $100 but I could get more and she started to tell me if I got more we would have sex at her place she said she would pretend to be sick and we could leave. Then she came back and said She couldn't leave (sure) I said ok, luckily I didn't pay her. She said it was all that bitches fault and pointed to Heiress. I said ok and I left. As I left Heiress grabbed me and told me to go to her myspace profile and if I ever wanted to have a good time I know where to find her and then kissed my cheek. I wiped it off after I left. Heiress was a lot cooler I felt. The other days I was there was filled with shopping, working, happy hour at the Peanut Farm ( a sports bar), and mad that someone stole $200 from our apartment. I left it on the entrance table and I came back and it was gone but the laptop was still there so I think I lost it but I looked around and couldn't find it. My Dad left on friday and was coming back on monday so I after work i was free to do whatever. I said to myself no strip clubs till Sunday but that didn't last. On saturday I had the late shift at the show which ended at 9 so I got to see UCLA get creamed and then had to work with a plastic smile. So when I was done I went to the Peanut Farm and had some drinks then I decided hey I'll go down a block to the Bush Company. I spent more money and Heiress wasn't working. After that sobered me up I tried my luck at a different club which was Fantasies on 5th #2 rated. Now this club was on the news and no someone was not killed or anything. They passed some ordinance about military people not being able to come even though the close proximity to the Air Force base but the ban was lifted anyway. It was alright less people, less girls, and smaller. But this is the place I met Kayla a girl who had Big starts going down her right side to her feet and some smaller stars on her front right shoulder blade with a star necklace and dangling star navel piercing which prompted me to ask whats with all the stars to which she brightly answered Cuz I'm a Superstar. Really hot too with some facial piercings including 2 on her tongue. This girl was really nice after 1 dance she talked to me after which is a lot different than when a girl talks to you before. Anyways we talked then she was wondering when I was leaving I told her tuesday and she said damn. I asked her why and she said she would like to go out with me. I asked her like on a date or for you know and she said a date. I told her I would be back like almost every other week and she told me her number and that I better call her. I said I would and it turns out that her Dad also is going to chemo just like mine. Well on sunday was the last day of the show it was pretty busy because everyone decided to come the last day cuz the weather was good and it showed by having all the parking lots full of cars. When it was done we teared down everything and that went pretty quick. So what was I going to do the rest of the day? Let me tell you Hollywood is the one to blame cuz they can't release any good movies out. But anyways I saw the girls one last time. I also didn't spend all the money I had with me. Then on monday dad came back and we just did normal stuff like go to costco and then on tuedsay he had his chemo and then we came back. So now I know all about Anchorage and where to go. But I can't wait till I go soon and have my date with Kayla. There's also finally some movies coming out that I want to see. Well I'll be sure to tell you what happens.


Pete said...

Congratulations to Alex for the first decent post of 2008. Stay away from them whores Alex.. they'll take you money and your soul. Sure was a damn good story though.

appojax said...

hell yeah. you've joined me in the "been to the strip club multiple times in one day" club! congrats, man!!!

Kujo said...

damn sounds like even anchorage is better than pasadena in the strip club area. Now that they shut down pleasures i got no where to go.

the trick up there sounds like to go in and only spend a little. then take them home and pay them for some real freaky shit back at the pad. nice

and i agree with pete, best post all year. why are we all so lame.

oh and alex, what's the whore's myspace? i want to see pics

Alex said...

The myspace for heiress is *heiress* as display name.

Jeff said...

So I bit the bullet. I needed to see the hooker that thought she could handle Alex's manliness. There are 14 pages of sluts going by the name heiress.

Alex said...

Jeff you need the asterisk and she is in anchorage, alaska. It's on myspace not facebook.

Lynlee said...

She looks nothing like I expected.

Alex said...

Lynlee is that a good thing or a bad thing?

Lynlee said...

Neither, I just imagined her as a big booby blond that looks like a hooker, that's all