Sunday, June 01, 2008

new pic, movie review

The new Iron Man movie was great. The only thing that constantly bothered me was that The Dude aka Jeff Bridges was the bad guy. He was being very un-Dude. Otherwise the effects were great, the Mr. Robert Downey, Jr. as Tony Stark was great and conversely Pepper Potts was sexy in a turn by Gwyneth Paltrow, and the storyline left the possibility open for a sequel (of course.) Jon Favreau is turning out to be a great director. I think it helped that Stark was fighting terrorists in this movie instead of the Sandman or Venom, or the Silver the conflict makes more sense and holds your attention more.

ps Pete I see how yall be changin pictures on here.. this second one is my submission. sorry i am a dick, i forgot to edit the's gonna be huge. bytheway "Made" is one of the most underrated films of this new century and has one of the highest "fuck-per-minute" (FPM) ratio of any feature-length film: 3.1.

thank you...i miss you guys. i aint been out too much lately and that's my own fault. there i said it.

(XXXXXedit..took out pic...thanks mr. deClerk!)


Pete said...

Hey AJ I'll get that pich up as soon as I get back in town. I'm at a conference in West Virginia.

appojax said...

w va? i hear the billy goats are gruff in that part of this here nation.