Reasons for Optimism:
- Its directed by the guy who did 300, which I thought was a pretty good representation of the graphic novel.
- The scenes shown in the preview are pulled directly from actual panels in the graphic novel so this looks like it will also be pretty faithful.
- The chick they go to play the silk specter is friggin' hot.
- In Jackie Earle Haley they could not have picked a better Rorschach
- Watchmen is arguably the best graphic novel (I would argue that it is one of the best 3 but whatever) ever so if it even gets it vaguely right we should be in for a good movie.
Now, Some reasons to be pessimistic
- For me, the look they have chosen for the film, from what I've seen in the previews is close but not quite right. The book is set in a alternate 1980's in which we have continued on the brink of nuclear annihilation with the Soviets since the 1950's. Nixon has continued on as president in this world and whole place just looks a little dilapidated and dirty, sort of unwilling to move forward. I think this look was given to the book on purpose by the writer and artist. The film just looks a little to slick.
- They got the look of the heroes wrong as well. The main story line of the book takes place when the heroes 'The Watchmen" are all past thier prime. So Nite Owl has a pot belly and Silk Spectre and Viedt should be over 40. The muscley armored suits that are typical to superhero movies aren't really appropriate here.
- With the book being set in the 80's it risks not being relevant. Knowing what we know now, the Soviets just aren't that scary anymore so it might be hard taking that underlying threat seriously.
- Because the book is so complicated, there are inevitably going to be some VERY big ommisions that explain backstory, character development and build tension. for those of you who have read it: The Pirate Comic, Rorschach's psychaitrist's file's, Behind the Mask to name a few.
- I honestly don't know if they are going to be able to pull it off. The book is really subtle and really complicated. I've read it three times and still find new stuff everytime I pick it up. Its hard for a film adaptation to pick up the subtler points of any book.
Well, there it is. I will remain very cautiously optimistic.
I will say this, if you have not read the book. You need to check it out. Its really good. If you are a fan of Sci-fi, it is probably one of the best works of our generation. It definitely change the way you think about comics. It's dark, complicated, and violent. Really, read it. Especially read it before you see the movie.
I agree with your points, Pete (I don't think the Pirate comic is necessary though it is a bit gnarly in an awesome way). WM really is one of the most detailed works that Works! Have you read Chris Ware?
But I really wanted to see a floating barge of bloated dead bodies
That's just what the Soviets want you to think. Its called complacency.
So what you are saying is that this will be a pretty good flick for those of us who spent their childhood outdoors instead of cautiously flipping through the pages of slightly grown-up picture books.
On a serious note, I may be interested in checking that book out of you have a copy that I can read without worrying about bending the corners.
Randy has a copy that you guys can borrow without worrying about it getting beat up.
Or if you have some spare change and are too lazy to read, itunes has a slightly animated audio/visual version of it. I bought the first episode just to check it out, but because I own it, I didn't want to buy the rest.
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