Friday, July 10, 2009

Possible Answers

1) When there is only one road, there are only so many ways to identify it.
2) Since man's early days he gathered around the fire for warmth and protection. People are naturally drawn to it. Also, when the parents live on a virtual island there is really isn't anyway to get them out of the house for the night.
3)That wasn't really a question.
4)Alcohol. Remember kegs in the pool? Urination into the neighbors yard. Vomit on your bed. It's all interrelated.
5) Probably because when you pay all that money for a big truck you would expect that it could make its way out of a puddle.
6)if you think she was sucking them off then yes. Self esteem issues. I will say this, you were probably the only one besides the four that noticed. You always were a keen observer of the human condition.
7)Damp conditions, out of control breeding and no natural predators. Don't you guys have bats up there?
8)Again, yes you should have. You should have disappeared on that thing and hid it behind a tree or something. 4 wheelers are fun, never pass up a chance to drive one. Just watch out for cow shit.
9)You should have "done" her. Let people think it chicks like guys with skills. Acting skills, improv skills, video game skills.
10) "You're here to save the world, what a mind job...what do you say to something like that"


Pete said...

BTW. I had a dream that you were down here and just when were about to watch spaced, I woke up

Alex said...

What does that mean. Does that mean we're not supposed to watch it. Did you have any more dreams about Al Pacino and you making chicken.

Randy said...

By no means are we not supposed to watch Spaced.

Pete said...

Yes, but thank god Al had his clothes on this time.

Alex said...

Wait a had a dream about with me with no clothes on. You sick freak.

Pete said...

Al Pacino. Thanks for ruining my joke...douche