Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Tuesday Musings

Hey what do you know it's Tuesday. So let's see what's going on...

Alex saw Batman vs. Superman on Friday and said it was good. I likely would disagree with him and apparently most people do as well. It currently holds under a 30 rating on Rotten Tomatoes and audiences are giving it a B on Cinema Score which by the way is the lowest score for a superhero movie since Green Lantern. Hey everybody has their opinion and that's what makes the world go round.
So work has selected me to go to Paraguay for a New Store Opening. I honestly would rather not go but I have recently discovered there are only 3 other people who still work here who have done a Store Opening before. Two of them will be on NSO's elsewhere and the other is in possession of an expired Passport. Leaving just me, who knows maybe it will be cool?
Wrestle-mania is this Sunday. Yes I still watch WWE and I am not ashamed. I don't insult what you do with your TV watching time so I'd appreciate not bashing what I choose to view in my free time. No don't worry I won't turn this into a wrestling blog and start writing about the card and who might win what. Honestly I don't expect anybody who reads this to care too much so I won't bore you.
I miss when everybody used to update the blog with interesting stories about their day or just whatever was on their mind. Pete was an especially prolific author and I always enjoyed his posts.
I have been watching Daredevil: Season 2 on Netflix lately. I like it I am only up to Episode 3 but so far so good. I liked Season 1 though even there were others who did not like it. This season features The Punisher who at one time was my favorite hero even though there was nothing super about him and he killed without discrimination. I just thought he was cool.
I probably shouldn't be using company time to post random thoughts on the blog that nobody checks anymore but my boss has left for the day, the other Supervisor isn't here and my team is pretty rock solid without me watching their every move. I am lucky in that regard. I don't want to talk about work though I noticed in previous years I did that a lot and nobody is interested in that.
I am not going to talk about politics except to say either way it goes I am not impressed.
I still haven't done my taxes. I should probably get on that. I don't want to go to HR Block though those people are terrible and I can do the same thing the can do by buying their software. This people are not CPA's they are data entry clerks pulled of the street. Well some of them might be CPA's I don't know.
I was going to talk about what everyone else is doing but this become very I-centric. Boring...

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