Monday, March 05, 2007

Multi-Link Monday

It's Monday, again. And I'm procrastinating, again. Why is it so hard to leap into another week's work? Here's a batch of six fun links for those times when you just can't look at another spreadsheet, file another document or answer another phone call.

• Here's a fun online quiz, but before you click this link, you need to know how it works. Once you click though, a 10-minute timer will start, and you'll have that time to type in all 50 state names. Spell them correctly, of course, and hit "enter" after each one. When you've typed them all, or your 10 minutes if up, the game is over. I began by thinking of states that I'd visited or where friends lived, then trying to fill in the rest from my mental map of the country. However you do it, it's pretty interesting to see what states come first -- and last -- to your mind. Are you ready? GO! (Via Metafilter.)

The pie-eating game, in which you have 15 chomps to make an entire online pie disappear. Play at your own risk. This game is seriously addictive. The best I could get was 16. I was never very good at all that space-allocation stuff.

• Everyone has one: A book, usually from childhood, that you remember vividly, with one exception...the title. If you've got a question, you can post details of the book at "What's That Book?" and ideally, someone who knows will provide the title. (Via USA Today's Tech Space.)

• Do you know about Hand Puppet Movie Theatre? Hilarious movie parodies featuring hand puppets spouting the lines. Even a hand puppet of George Lucas makes an appearance in the "Star Wars" films. "Serenity" and "Spider-Man" are my favorites.

• We always have had to live with our pets for a few days or a week before we're able to settle on an ideal name for them. But if you're really stumped, Iams pet food has a site that will suggest names based on your pet's personality. I have to say, I think their names are pretty simplistic -- I mean, Bingo, Bo and Boots? But it's still fun to play with.

• Don't need a pet name? How about a monster name for yourself? I'm R.A.N.D.Y - Ravenous Abhorrent Nightmare From The Dreaded Yonder, as you can clearly see below.

Well hope you enjoyed those. NOW GET BACK TO WORK, you slackers!!


Anonymous said...

randy, that link don't work.

-Abomination from the Jungle

Randy said...

All links work. I checked myself.

Anonymous said...

oh yeah? click that link down yonder and get beack to me pahd-na.

Lynlee said...

That 50 state thing is pretty cool. I forgot some major states. I like multi-link Monday. THanks Randy