Friday, April 25, 2008

Not As Good As It Was

Hey guys I went to Anchorage again this past tuesday - thursday. Let me tell you it wasn't that great this time. Maybe it was good last time cuz I never went anywhere in so long. There were some good spots but there were some bad spots. More bad I think. Bad 1) No cable in my apartment I was staying at for the whole time. Now I like to watch some TV a little also missing American Idol (Randy too bad about Carly). It's a healthy alternative rather than going somewhere and spending money you are trying to save. 2) Doctor saying I can't drink any soda. WHAT!? She's crazy. 3) Bush Company yes I went again and gotta couple of pics after I spent some money on Heiress. The problem was the photo booth messed up our pics till I used up 30 bucks. I am also looking at the screen and not at the lens. So in all of the pics I'm looking down. Maybe I'll scan them though. But the worst was 4) Kayla the girl I met at Fantasies the "Superstar" but wait I'm not mad at her. We couldn't go on a date cuz she was in Big Lake which is about 2 hours from Anchorage. She was busy taking care of her dad who if you don't remember is going through chemo like my Dad (who by the way is doing good he's not getting sick he's just more tired but still keep him in your thoughts). Anyways when I called her I learned she was with a girl called Kristy who she was telling Kristy stop that. Why cuz I'm your Mom. I thought Great this probably wont work. She still wanted to go out but she never told me this before. She can't go out late cuz of her kid and I don't know if I can go out with a girl who has a kid. She repeatedly told me she wish she could go out with me and hoped I wasn't mad at her (I repeatedly told her I wasn't). I told her I'll be there in May and we could try again and she was pretty much down for that. But now I ask you guys should I go out with her. There really is no commitment it's just a date we might end up not even wanting to go out again. But let me tell you some of the good stuff that happened 1) The good theater decided not to show any good movies and keep some cinematic gems like ( The Ruins, Shutter, Shine A Light ,and Leatherheads). So I had to go to a different theater and see some movies that I wanted to see like "Street Kings" and "Forgetting Sarah Marshall". Now Street Kings wasn't that bad but you probably can figure what will happen after watching the movie for awhile. But I thought it wasn't bad. Forgetting Sarah Marshall was funny like all of the other Apatow movies. Now if you see the new commercial where it says there is a lot more funny parts than what is shown in the commercials: It is so true. 2) Got some good deals on stuff. Like 40 Year Old Virgin (best Apatow movie sorry Wedding Crashers fans). For only 5 bucks and brand new. I also decided to relive the good old days in Cali and got Joan Of Arcadia seasons 1 and 2 for 60 bucks. Now I can see myself and all of my extra friends and remember a simpler time. But that's it for the trip and now I'm back working at the Chamber getting stuff ready for events, looking for a new better job (got some prospects), and trying to work out a trip. What do you guys think of Vegas during Memorial Day weekend? Anyway talk to you guys later.


Anonymous said...

shes got a kid! Forget that broad. She was okay when she was just a freakin STRIPPER!!!

Alex said...

Who is this?

Pete said...

You should buy your own strip club. I think you would be in heaven. Just hire some guys to bounce out all the undesirables. You could Call it "Moe Ass 'n Tits."