Thursday, September 04, 2008

I used to skate

I skated all wrong. To start with I'm goofy footed, plus while most skaters push off with their back foot using the front foot to lean the trucks in the direction they wanted to go, I always pushed with my front and used my back heel slightly on the tail to control my direction while pushing. This allowed me to keep my trucks extra tight for more stability when landing. I also felt like it kept the weight off my front wheels so there was less of a chance of me flying into the pavement if I hit a pebble. I went through a lot of trucks that way. I'd make them so tight that either the rubber would burst or the washer would blow out. With trucks at about $25 apiece and no form of income, buying new trucks every few months was no easy task.
If there is one thing I miss about my early teens, and believe me there ain't much, its skating. I was good, sort of. We skated on big wide boards that fit your whole front foot on the front, so flip tricks were pretty damn hard.
Back then, there was no such thing as chicks who liked skaters, at least not at Pasadena High School. Still though, I wish I had kept skating. It was good excercise and good for agility.

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