Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Its the end of the world as we know it...

The Large Hadron Collider or so called Big Bang Machine in Cern, Switzetrland is scheduled to be turned on tomorrow. There are those that believe that the machine will create microscopic black holes that will expand and gobble up the planet. In fact, creating black holes is exactly what the machine was designed to do but scientists believe that they will pop in and out of existence and therefore do not pose a threat. Does this make you nervous? Don't worry, it will be a month before the particles reach full speed. (0.999999999 times the speed of light)

Am I propagating the worst possible scenario just to entertain? Maybe. If not though, I'll catch you all on the flipside.


appojax said...

Ey man, Jodie Foster went through one of them things and emerged unscathed, if a bit unwashed and slightly dazed. I aint worried.

Amanda Jane said...

I also heard that some scientist said the machine could provide evidence for "other dimensions." I think that would be awesome.