Sunday, April 03, 2011

Facebook, The Audience Isn't Listening Part 2

By chance I had heard of a T-Shirt called Three Wolf Moon. Its a T-Shirt with three wolf heads on it howling at the moon. It became a sort of internet phenomenon when someone stumbled on it on Amazon and wrote a review of it, imbuing it with magical powers. There are now over 1200 reviews of the shirt on Amazon and some of them are really funny. Anyway, I thought it would be worth the $20 to send Randy the shirt, addressed to “Mad Dog Moe” It made me laugh. So I order the shirt and have it sent to Randy’s house. Now, this is another attempt by me to get a rise out of someone. (Namely Randy, in this case) Performance art if you will.
I eagerly check my Amazon account to check the delivery status of the shirt. The package was delivered yesterday and would be waiting for Randy on the doorstep when he got home from work. I relished in the response I might receive. I laughed just thinking about it. Yesterday came and went and I got no response. This morning, I confirmed with Tim that Randy had received and opened the package. Tim, at least , let me know that he thought the gag gift was “very funny”. Ok so, Randy is not the type to over emote for sure, but to say nothing...? I thought maybe the gift had confused or angered him in some way. So I took to Facebook and in a jokey kind of way explained the gift. Randy confirmed that it was “a very interesting shirt”. Here is the thing though, as I said before every single thing I post on Facebook is meant for an audience reaction even when I write directly on someone’s wall, I hope for a reaction from our mutual friends. I won’t go into the play by play, because you can check Facebook and see that my post got no reaction. I checked it all day waiting for someone to do some investigating on Three Wolf Moon and appreciate, via comment, my little piece of performance art. As of this writing, there has been absolutely no reactions. It’s stupid, I know, but I’m really disappointed by this. There are several factors that may be contributing to the lax response, the first is that I posted on a weekday morning, so by the time people got home from work, my post could have been buried under 50 other posts, depending on how many friends you have. I also posted it on Randy’s page and Randy is not very active on Facebook, and we all know, if you don’t post regularly, people tend to stop checking your page. There may be people who would feedback but haven’t seen it yet. But on Facebook, if you don’t get the reaction you want in 24 hours your post is buried under hundreds of other posts and you may as well forget it.


Lauri said...

you can send me a secret gift anytime! i get your humor. :)

sheila said...

i totally saw that on FB and to be honest, i didn't want to try and get in on an inside joke between you and randy. i'd end up looking lame. sorry i didn't ask... but i was really curious if it makes you feel any better!... lol.

appojax said...

this reminded me of "I'm Not There," by Casey Affleck. I dunno what goes on about FB anymore (I quit), but I do enjoy me some hoaxes/performance art.