Monday, October 30, 2006


Scared? You will be...You Will be.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

AV5 is Back!

For those interested parties who remember old posts, here's an update. AV5 is back up in the House this week. Einstien Hair, pants 5 sizes too big, oversized glasses, and, of course, suspenders.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Hollywood Styleez

So I just finished watching the remake of "The Omen" on DVD. I know your first question is "Why?" I don't know, all I can say is I didn't rent it, I borrowed it from someone who did. Of course, it was a piece of crap, but at least Hollywood is staying true to its values, because even in a reamake of a 30 year old horror movie they didn't forget to do one thing...add a car chase. Because what does every hollywood movie have to have regardles of context or time period? Of course a car chase. Gone are the days of gratuitous violence and unnecessary nudity, arrived are the days of the car chase. Blaring sirens, the shot of the gear shift being jammed into place are all requisitely present in this fine example of Hollywood movie making. I was an hour and 45min into this thing and asking myself how they were going to work in the car chase? All I can say is Bravo. Bravo.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Wedding in Mexico...not so smooth

So…I narrowly escaped Mexico. Long story, but I’ll give you an abridged version. Let’s just start by saying imagine things that you wouldn’t want to happen at your wedding, well they did plus some. First we arrive in Rosarito to find a Mexican carnival (this is a high point in the trip). WE rode the bumper cars (awesome), and then traveled on down to Ensenada. Met some folks at Papas & Beer, drank some, had some fun, went back to the hotel, slept. Next day (wedding day), hung out at Tim’s new favorite hangout Los Amigos, drank more beer went back to the hotel to prepare for the wedding. Doesn’t sound bad at all, does it? Just wait. Blah blah blah ceremony, cocktail hour, with apps. including civiche (this will come up later). Reception starts, had some shots, some food, some dancing. Everyone is drinking having a good old time. Here’s where it all goes downhill. I look over from chatting with some guests to see JC beating someone down, yes there was a fist fight at the wedding. Then next to me there is a continuation of the same fight, but with different people (no fists were thrown), which I had to jump in the middle of and stop. As if this is not bad enough, it gets worse. After the fight I found Bree crying, when I told her that it would be ok, she turned to me and yelled (in a very mean and bitchy tone) IT IS NOT OK, IT IS MY WEDDING, so I of course turned around and went to get another drink, I couldn’t deal with a yelling crying bride. So we leave (actually I think that we were all kicked out, nothing ruins a wedding like a fist fight). So we leave, and getting into a cab, JC proceeds to slam my hand in the cab door, ouch! Except I was so trashed I didn’t feel anything. Booze is like magic. Next morning, I feel like SHIT. I wanted to die. And, I realize that I have lost my sunglasses. We all gather in the hotel room and find out the almost everyone came back form the wedding with the shits. The civiche made everyone sick. Thank God I didn’t eat any, because I’m sure that the only thing that would make my life worse at that point would have been to have both a raging hangover, and the shits. Time to leave, but we weren’t able to just yet, because at this point it has become apparent that the car keys have been lost. JC & Richard head off to see if they can find the keys at the wedding venue, no luck, so they head off to find a locksmith, who they bring back to the hotel so he can take apart the car and make a new key from the ignition. Finally, the new key is made, and we’re off.

Final Tally
Fist fight at wedding: 1
Near fist fight at wedding: 1
Lost pair of sunglasses: 1
Lost car key: 1
Crying bride: 1
Angry groom: 1
Hand slammed in cab door: 1
People who got food poisoning from food at wedding: 12 (that I know of)

Lesson I learned: DO NOT get married in Mexico

Friday, October 13, 2006

Friday the 13th Curse

So maybe it wasn't a wise decision to do what i did on Friday the 13th, but i did it anyways. I did what everyone dreads doing at work. I asked my boss for a raise. How did it go, you ask? Not to well. I was belittled and made fun of. So why didn't i storm out and quit right there and then? Well i just had enough courage to ask for the raise. I didn't plan what i would do afterwards. Pretty much my boss is an ass. I always try to give him the benefit of the doubt but inevitable he does just what i think he'll do, be an asshole. He compared me to, and i quote, "joe shmoe of the street". He in not so many words, said that i was making what i was making cuz i don't do anything special around here. Am i overreacting? Did he really say that? yes he did. i wish i was overreacting. Then he decided it would be funny or something to ask me how long i'd been wanting to ask him for more money. I said a day. which is true when it really comes down to it but he got a big grin on his face and said, "no, really?" So now i'm being made fun of. Just great! He asked how much i wanted to be making to put a smile on my face. i told him, " $$$$$$,000 would put a smile on my face and get me to come into work everyday for another year." I'm also supposed to put together something of a proposal as to what responsibilities i can add to to make this raise justifiable. How about i kept coming to this god forsaken place for over 7 years as being justifiable. Well needless to say i'm a bit hurt and disappointed that i didn't get the respect i think i deserve. So am i gonna do the proposal thing? I don't know, i have a month to think about it. Am i gonna put my resume out there? I think this just might be the straw that broke the camels back. Thanks for listening/reading and here's a bit of advice. Don't ask for raises and don't do it on Friday the 13th.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Pete is a Dick

Here's something:
So the other night I was at Paco's in Arcadia with Randy enjoying muchas cervezas and tacos especiales. Inevitably I had to use the restroom to relinquish what I had just paid $4 a bottle for. Lo and behold the most disturbing bathroom graffitti I had ever seen. The epithet read "Pete is a Dick" and right next to it, a crudely drawn form of a woman spread eagle with "Pete" and an arrow pointing southwards. I wondered who is this Pete who had so angered someone enough to scratch into a wall in the men's room at Paco's. And then it hit me, this could be me. I mean really, how many Pete's do you know? and how many of those love Paco's as much as I do. Did I wrong some one with out knowing it? I can't imagine I have but maybe it was inadvertant. Then there is the other question is this Pete a dick or is he a pussy? I mean the writing on the wall will tell you he's a dick, but the drawing will tell you different.
Anyway, if that message was meant for me then I apologize to whoever I wronged. Let me buy you a beer, at least we can agree we both love Paco's

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

We all suck

This place is a blogging desert...where has everyone gone. We didn't all go out an get real jobs, did we? SO what's new in my life?...Nothing, nothing at all. I'm in the process of organizing a beer pong tournament, which after Joe got his greedy little planning hands on has (surprise!) gone to shit. Other than that I leave on Friday for a festive wedding in Mexico, Yippie! I'm going to get drunk! I love weddings. I'll be back hopefully with some fun drunken wedding stories to share.