Friday, October 13, 2006

Friday the 13th Curse

So maybe it wasn't a wise decision to do what i did on Friday the 13th, but i did it anyways. I did what everyone dreads doing at work. I asked my boss for a raise. How did it go, you ask? Not to well. I was belittled and made fun of. So why didn't i storm out and quit right there and then? Well i just had enough courage to ask for the raise. I didn't plan what i would do afterwards. Pretty much my boss is an ass. I always try to give him the benefit of the doubt but inevitable he does just what i think he'll do, be an asshole. He compared me to, and i quote, "joe shmoe of the street". He in not so many words, said that i was making what i was making cuz i don't do anything special around here. Am i overreacting? Did he really say that? yes he did. i wish i was overreacting. Then he decided it would be funny or something to ask me how long i'd been wanting to ask him for more money. I said a day. which is true when it really comes down to it but he got a big grin on his face and said, "no, really?" So now i'm being made fun of. Just great! He asked how much i wanted to be making to put a smile on my face. i told him, " $$$$$$,000 would put a smile on my face and get me to come into work everyday for another year." I'm also supposed to put together something of a proposal as to what responsibilities i can add to to make this raise justifiable. How about i kept coming to this god forsaken place for over 7 years as being justifiable. Well needless to say i'm a bit hurt and disappointed that i didn't get the respect i think i deserve. So am i gonna do the proposal thing? I don't know, i have a month to think about it. Am i gonna put my resume out there? I think this just might be the straw that broke the camels back. Thanks for listening/reading and here's a bit of advice. Don't ask for raises and don't do it on Friday the 13th.

1 comment:

Jeff said...

I would have seriously punched him in the face. Find a better job and let that place go to ruins.