Thursday, October 12, 2006

Pete is a Dick

Here's something:
So the other night I was at Paco's in Arcadia with Randy enjoying muchas cervezas and tacos especiales. Inevitably I had to use the restroom to relinquish what I had just paid $4 a bottle for. Lo and behold the most disturbing bathroom graffitti I had ever seen. The epithet read "Pete is a Dick" and right next to it, a crudely drawn form of a woman spread eagle with "Pete" and an arrow pointing southwards. I wondered who is this Pete who had so angered someone enough to scratch into a wall in the men's room at Paco's. And then it hit me, this could be me. I mean really, how many Pete's do you know? and how many of those love Paco's as much as I do. Did I wrong some one with out knowing it? I can't imagine I have but maybe it was inadvertant. Then there is the other question is this Pete a dick or is he a pussy? I mean the writing on the wall will tell you he's a dick, but the drawing will tell you different.
Anyway, if that message was meant for me then I apologize to whoever I wronged. Let me buy you a beer, at least we can agree we both love Paco's


Lynlee said...

I Love this story. It may be my new fave! Watch out, it might be petey declerk....uh oh

appojax said...
