Friday, March 21, 2008

Ummm...Post something

Please God, someone post. I'm too lazy. Lauri is gone for the weekend and I have a free preview of cinemax. However, in stead of watching softcore porn (no visible naughty parts) I watched Hot Fuzz which surprisingly is not porn. (although if it were they would not have to change the title). Okay maybe I was flippin channels...a little. I'll tell you what I did watch, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. That is a dangerous movie to watch when you are sans girlfriend. It makes you wanna get fucked up. Really fucked up. Here's a strange piece of fried gold... Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas and Brazil were both on at the same time last night. How often do two Terry Gilliam movies come on at the same time? If you haven't seen Brazil, put it in your Netflix queue. That shit will fuck you up.
Last night the answer on Final Jeopardy was Wu-Tang Killer Bees.
Maybe it was just killer bees.
Would the judges have dinged me for writing Wu-Tang in parentheses?


Jeff said...

I repeat my statement of last night. If I ever see that whore Alex Trebeck on the street I will punch him in the face.

Pete said...

becareful, Canadian Kung-Fu is strong