Thursday, December 11, 2008

Christmas Songs

Recently Pete posted a list of Christmas songs. He, however, somehow neglected my favorite Christmas song (Christmas wrapping by the Waitresses is at the top of my list). So, Check it out. The video is cheesy (made in the 1992, what can you really expect), however anything can be made better when you can include a little person and dress them in an elf costume.


Jeff said...

I reject you and everything you stand for. That song is horrible.

Lynlee said...

Let me guess, your favorite Christmas song is "last Christmas" by Wham?

Anonymous said...

...and the very nexy day, you threw it away.
For some reason I imagine Tom singing that one.

Pete said...

This song will forever be classic due to its association with Die Hard.
"Don't you have any Christmas music?"
"This IS Christmas music..."

Remember the list was called "Music you should be listening to but probably aren't"
In my mind Christmas is Hollis is a Christmas staple like Frosty the Snowman. Thats why it didn't make the list.