Monday, December 22, 2008

The Plot Unfolds

Something has just become clear to me. The 1981 BBC Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy tv show just became available for instant viewing on Netflix. Being a fan, I started watching it tonight.
What has become clear is that the recent movie was based, not on the book really but on the TV show. They took the look and even the musical score right from the TV show. Now there is nothing wrong with that per se, because Douglas Adams wrote the TV show as well as the book. But for me, the directors of the movie might have taken a shot at a fresh look and interpretation of the material instead of pretty much ripping off a 29 year old TV show.


sheila said...

I just watched The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy for the first time the other day. So weird - but we liked it!

appojax said...

Watch Brazil by Terry Gilliam. But the original version, not the "love conquers all" version. That movie is too good.

Pete said...

I've seen it, Love it.
"We're all in this together"