Wednesday, December 03, 2008


So remember when I said I would be making a triumphant return and that you would all be blown away. I probably shouldn't have said anything because now you are probably expecting something. I mean anything. Unfortunately as is a habit of mine I jumped in without thoroughly thinking my plan through. Because truth be told I got nothing. Now I am going to try and entertain you because frankly that is the only way I will keep myself from gouging my eyes out working this unbelievably heinous shift that I got saddled with today.
Wow writing is hard...


Pete said...

what a jack ass! Who does that? Who purposely raises your expectations and then deliberately fails to deliver in such a profound way? Had you even tried and failed, we could have said, "well, at least he tried..." or had you said nothing at all we wouldn't have thought anything. But you raised expectations to the highest possible level one can reasonably expect from a piece of text, you said that we would be "blown away" and spit in our faces and announced that rather than blow us away you were going to give up, right from the get go. At the word Jump you fell to your knees and "I have have no legs". For shame sir. For Shame.

Anonymous said...

What a Jack Ass indeed.

Lynlee said...


Jeff said...

I fucking hate you.