Sunday, December 07, 2008

The pledge held strong

I don't want to make a big deal out of it, but I didn't drink at all this week. The last drink I had was last Saturday night. I managed sleep through the night 5 nights out of 7. No telling what tonight holds, but its a Sunday and thats always been a bad night for me. Some changes I've noticed is the ability to think more clearly, the ability to motivate myself, the ability to see the bright side of things again, and the ability to read more than a paragraph at a time without losing complete interest. The downside is that, its hard to find social activities that don't present temptation. I'm not going to say here that I've quit drinking forever, but I will say that this period of sobriety will last as long as it needs to. I've noticed that over the past year, I've had trouble regulating how much I drink at a sitting. Not that I get rip roaring drunk at a sitting, but the calorie intake has to be huge. Anyway, I don't want this to be downer or anything, just thought I'd keep you all updated.


Jeff said...

"Moderation in all things"

Good on ya.

We are old. My body has also grown weary of overindulgence. I almost went vegetarian last week. Still might. It would be easy if cows didn't taste so good.

Pete said...

Lets not forget pigs and fish either. Chicken can eat a dick.

Jeff said...

There is actually a very good chance that I will limit my red meat consumption to once a week or maybe once a month come January 1. The pig is a filthy animal and I will never consume meat from one.

I'm trying to find a way to incorporate the Simpsons scene when Lisa goes vegetarian and Homer asks about different meats that all come from pigs - "oh yeah Lisa, a wonderful magical animal"