Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Red Dragon Checks In

Settling in well in my new appartment and job, although I've never worked in an office before so I wasn't aware of the degree of politics, bitchyness, manipulation and apathy that goes on in these places. fortunatly I'm finding it all entertaining at the moment, and am staying out of the bitching and getting on with everyone. how long this can be maintained i'm not sure. any advise from the ratracers on such issues? On more important, musical issues, I'm going into a studio with some people from my old band on the weekend- if the results are anygood I'll share them with the good people of California. Till next time.


Pete said...

as far as office politics go, the trick is to ally yourelf with everyone, without letting others know. Listen to a lot of shit talking but do very little yourself. This way everyone thiks you're on thier team when really you're on your own team. If someone gets brave and tries to go against the boss, pretend you wre on the bosses side the whole time.

appojax said...

the best is when you know your manager is leaving the company. all hell breaky loose and me hellmaker.

Pete said...

DUDE! Did you check out the Hip Hop or what?