Thursday, April 14, 2005


Okay...Alright, that last little out burst was uncalled for...I've just been a little stressed out lately...I'm calm now.
I haven't shit today. That's right. I woke up and went hiking first thing. When I got home the tile guy was here plus I didn't have to. Then I went to school then work and it just never came. Now its midnight and I'm...well, I feel a little backed up is all. My whole family on my mothers side has an unhealthy obsession with our bowels.
Enough of that shit...pun...intended! HA that ruled.

In other news, I saw Sin City, and while I don't share Alex's enthusiasm. I thought it was a decent enough film, not much below the surface but visually satisfying and a blod experiment with the crossover of comic book and movie genre's. Frankly though I think they picked the worst of Farnk Miller's work to adapt. His Batman, Elektra, and Daredevil work is much better and more complex. But god forbid a comic book movie be complex, you might scare off the 14 year olds. Anyway Frank Miller's worst is still pretty good.
Thats all for now.

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