Thursday, April 14, 2005

The Long dark Tea Time of the Soul...

It sure has been a long time since anyone blogged, even me. Have we lost interest? Not really. Its just that bloggin is fun when everything is all cool and your having fun. Lately though...I ain't having much fun. A brake job and taxes took all my money so now I'm broke so the details of my everyday life have become a bit depressing, financially speaking. I know Randy could say the same thing. I was just thinking things would be goin pretty good if I could just make a little money doin what I'm doin. But I can't so things are about to get bad...real bad..Like dreaded second job bad. Man this shit is fucking depressing. Man...FUCK Y'ALL!

Oh by the way Lauri and Alex. Master Shake is just an empty cup. I don't know why they call him shake if he's just a cup but oh well just pile that on with everything else.

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