Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Great Kid! Don't Get Cocky!


Amanda Jane said...

Ok, I'm going out on a limb posting this because you might think I'm crazy...

Am I INSANE, or does it kind of look like my face has been superimposed on this picture of Han Solo? I wasn't going to post anything about it but Jeff backed me up and said it totally looked like me after I thought so myself. Which now that I think about it, I'm not so sure is a compliment. oh well. take another look.

Pete said...

yyyeaahh.....I'm pretty much thinking that looks like Harrison Ford. But it's okay to project yourself into fantasy roles I do it all the time.
As for Jeff, he's just so in love he sees your face everywhere. aaaawwwwwwww!
I'll bet he'd rather see your face in that Jabba's slave outfit that Leia wears in Jedi though. Make him save it for the wedding night.

Jeff said...

You need to see a picture of Amanda with the right expression and you can totally see it.

And Pete, because you have Han Solo fantasies does not mean everyone else does. Although I think you are really jealous since you wish, in your extreme nerdiness, that you could look like someone from Star Wars.

Amanda Jane said...

Well now I regret my comment because everyone now does think I'm insane. I almost deleted it before I posted it. But Melanie just looked at it and totally saw it also, and since the two of them probably know my expressions best I'm sticking to my guns. It's in the eyes and nose.

If I were to project myself into a fantasy role I think I would pick someone less mannish, but I can't think of anyone at the moment.