Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Its been awhile...

Yes, yes I know it has been a long time since my last post. I don't know why I haven't posted lately. I think it is a combination of laziness and just nothing of any real interest happening to me. Oh well what can you do?
So lately again not much just working and hangin out with the buds. I really have nothing exciting to talk about. I just thought I would post and let ecveryone know I am still alive and I have not fallen off the face of the map.
I did get a phone number from a girl...We met through Match.com I have yet to call her because obviously I got it on Monday and I can't call her at work but maybe Wednesday before Happy Hour since I ususally leave work early but we'll see. Anyway other than that nothing real exciting. Ok I am going to get going and try to think of something interestin to talk about in my next blog. Bye.


Jeff said...

You need to wait three days before calling a beautiful baby

Pete said...

Randy, that post was incredible. Your grasp of existensialism is profound.