Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Lists of Four (as "tagged" by Jeff)

Lists of Four:

Four Jobs I've had-
2. Swim Coach
3. Barista
4. A straight up Pimp!

Four Movies I can watch Over and Over
1. The Empire Strikes Back
2.Vanilla Sky
3. Joe vs. The Volcano

Four Books I've read over and over
1. The Lord of the Rings
2. To Kill and Mockingbird
3. Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy
4.The Longman Anthology of British Literature: The Romantics and Thier Contemporaries

Four Places I've lived
1. Pasadena
2. Monrovia
3. Pasadena
4. Pasadena (sad isn't it.)

Four Places I've vacationed
1. Yosemite
2. San Clemente
3.Newport Beach
4. The whole southwest

Four TV shows I Love
1. The Office
2. Scrubs
3. The West Wing
4. Aqua Teen Hunger Force ( I have "mayhem of the mooninites" on DVR, life is complete.)

Four Favorite dishes
1. Pizza
2. Burger
3.Cold chicken beans and coleslaw
4. Breakfast Burrito (so thats why I weigh 220)

Four Websites I visit daily
1. The Evil Twin of William Jennings Bryan
2. Life Outside the Rat Race
3. MSNBC.com

Four Places I'd rather be right now
1. Yosemite
2. San Clemente
3. Vegas
4. San Mateo

Four Most annoying things in the World(my addition)
1. Red lights
2. parking tickets
3. Cell phones
4. The Obnoxious

I don't know for people who would participate in this.

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