Thursday, May 18, 2006

Code Name: AV 5

It has often been my contention that in-between us sane folks and the guys who talk to and shit themselves while wandering the streets, there are many people who walk right down the line between sanity and insanity. I work with one of those people from time to time. First a word of explanation, at most convention centers, walkie communication is done by department codes, (don't ask me why) Like if you work in Events you are assigned a number according to your rank. There are 4 event managers here so being the first hired, but not the director, I would be known as "Event 2" If you work for Audio Visual you would be "AV 1, 2, 3 0r 4" depending on how many techs there are. So we have this AV tech who comes and works for us on big shows. Our Biggest show, needs no more than 3 techs. However, at his home facility he is known as "AV 5" so in any radio communication he refer to himself as such. For instance: "AV5 to Peter" and so forth. My response: "Go ahead, Bruce" (Bruce is his real name) Here we don't have the biggest crew so you know everyone's first name by thier voice, no need for codes. So its funny that he won't refer to himself by his own name, but he also is only 1 of 3 or sometimes even 2 so designating himself "AV 5" is doubly nonsensical. I've often wanted ask him why he does that, but its that sort of question that sets these "linewalkers" off. His obviuos mental frailty is accentuated by his Einsteinish hair and his pants that are 5 sizes (not exaggerating) too big and held up with suspenders.


Lauri said...

There are so many people that i work with that i refuse even to share the simplest story with cuz they will go into some insane rant(aka Jim M.)

Anonymous said...

I have got to meet this AV 5. Please invite him to the Crown on wednesday. Please.