Thursday, May 25, 2006

Two Beers and no Idea

I hate this blank page that blogger gives you to start your posts. So devoid of color, devoid of inspiration. Anybody go out and buy the new Chili Peppers album yet? It not all good but there are some inspiring moments on there. I think I've mentioned this already. Honestly though if you don't own Kings of Leon "Aha Shake Heartbreak" you're really missing out. This is the album I swore I would never buy form iTunes because the CD I bought wouldn't let me rip it, but this is really a CD I don't want to be without so I've bought it now...twice. My favorite line from this album is in the last track called "Rememo" it goes like this: "I'm overdue another round/to gain control and take me down." So there that is.

FUUUUUUUUUUUUCk I can't think of a goddamn thing to write about. Words once poured out of me on this blog. I think I've have emptied the contents of my mind. Maybe a beer would help. Beer helps many things. I think I'm gonna go crack one. At the very least it will cool my sweating brow. Be right back
(Pause for dramatic affect)

Thats much better. "This beer is delicious but its so filling!" Lauri just walked in and gave me a rash of shit for taking pictures of myself and posting them. And I quote "Did you really want that beer or did you just want to take a picture of yourself with it?" Thanks Lauri now you got me asking myself that very same question. Well no matter, the beer is cracked so its me and him to the bitter end. I thought I might expound on the various mundanities of life inside the Rat Race, but its been done hasn't it? It all seems so far away from me and my beer anyway. I don't have much to complain about. If I get sick of sitting at my desk, I just walk away from it for an hour or two, say I'm tendng to my events and no one is the wiser. It can be quite exciting at times. Just ask Emily, she got a taste of the life of an Event Manager back in April. Any how...
So I guess I never answered my own prompt about what album inspired my youth and where I was when I first heard Dr. Dre's "The Chronic" On a side note if you go back to that post, you will see that Owen has never heard the Chronic. How he managed to become a functioning memeber of society without ever being exposed to the Chronic I'm not sure, but I'm sure going to remember my deprived friends across the pond the next time I listen to some Gansta Rap. By the way Owen if your reading this, you must get some Rap into your rotation. May I recomend: Dr Dre's "The Chronic" 2pac's "All Eyez on Me" GangStarr's "Moment of Truth" I don't want you to go all Ali G on us, but you at least need to give it a shot.
Anyway so back to me. The first time I heard the Chronic was in my friend Adrians Lexus on the way to a PHS Basketball game. It was different than any other rap I'd heard before that. the most influential album of my Youth youth, was Social Distortion's self titled album , the one with "Ball and Chain" on it. And I know I'm dating myself but its true.

This beer is done.

Do I stop? Its ten O'clock, I have to go to bed, but I don't wanna. I just wanna keep drinking and writing. I think I'll have another one and then decide what to do after that. I always make better decisions after the second beer any way. Be right Back.
(Pause for Dramatic Effect)

I switched to glass. I think a cold PBR goes down mighty smooth in a nice cold pint glass don't you?
So even though I'm on myspace now, I don't really care for it. I get bombarded with ads everytime I'm on there and I can't check it at wor because they have those obnoxious dating service ads witht he scantily clad women. Did you know that at Albertsons and Ralphs a 12 pack of PBR can be purchased for $5.99. They pay so little respect to the PBR. They treat it like Keystone Light or something. Don't they know that PBR won a blue ribbon in the 1834 world's fair? Well their ignorance is my gain. Well I'm gonna end here. The ideas just aren't flowing as fast as the beer.


Lauri said...

LOL! you all are reading this but i got to experience the blogging fun of Pete last night.

Kujo said...

i've been lacking inspiration for my blog as well and your post did not help. and although slightly amusing, the self portraits were not necessary. PBR is a gift from God though.

Pete said...

How Rude.

Lauri said...


appojax said...

dave sucks.

Kujo said...

the truth hurts... and it's called dry humor.