Monday, May 01, 2006

A month of sobriety, Lessons Learned

Lesson # 1: Your friends will shun you.
Nobody I know encouraged my desicion to quit drinking, not did they make any effort to make me feel welcome among them when they were drinking.

Lesson #2:Drinking does not cause weight gain.
If drinking causes you to gain weight then stopping drinking should cause you to lose weight. Neither I, nor Randy lost a single pound from quitting drinking for a month. So drink on, guilt free.

Lesson #3: Drinking is not the cause of your mental problems.
In fact, a good stiff drink might actually put you in a better mental state than being completely sober. Without alcohol, there were times when I found myself an anxiety ridden wreck. I also thought that not drinking might help alleviate the unexplained anger I sometimes feel when having to get up early in the mornings... but it didn't. Overall, I found myself in no better mental state after sobering up than before.

Lesson #4: Self Discipline is highly over rated.
Life is short, depriving yourself of things makes it unenjoyable. Eat, drink and be merry.

Lesson 5: Beer is Good
It just is.

If you had asked me to predict what the result of this little experiment would be, I would have said the complete opposite would have occured. I didn't learn anything about moderation or the body being a temple. All I learned was that if you wanna get fucked up from time to time, its probably a good idea.


Kujo said...

i could have told you all that before you started. what a waste of a good month of drinking. and you better start to drink some before vegas or else you won't be able to hang. everything in moderation my friend, that's the way to live.

appojax said...

pete writes the truth good.

Randy said...

Know we know and knowing is half the battle...GI JOE!!!!!!

Lauri said...

I was hoping that a couple of those things would happen so that i could be encouraged to do it one day. now i'm off the hook!

Jeff said...

thank you captain obvious. The real culprits in weight gain are soda, fast food, not eating leafy green vegetables, and not exercising.