Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Life is making me angry!

There are so many things i want to cover here that are bothering me. Its 9:15am and i'm angry. Usually i'm mad at this time because of work realted issues, but today i'm angry at everything. Every morning i listen to KFWB on the way to work. Sometimes the reports bother me or make me wonder why i live here. There are tons of bad things that go on in the world and i hate it. Then there are the funny or lighthearted stories. When was the last time you heard something "nice" on the news? Its been a while for me. So this morning they talked about gas and immigration rallies. Two things that get my blood boiling. First lets start with immigration. Sure enough a couple of my staff took the day off. It was a busy day and i think it still would have been busy even if they were here, so i'm not going to let them have that. I'm just so over it. Many of the protesters aren't struggling financially, they're just trying to prove a point. And the fact that kids are taking off school?? That is the most...i mean...ah! Now on to gasoline. I gave myself a test this last week. Last monday i filled my tank for $3.11. It cost me $30 to fill up. I fill my tank every week and $30 is not cool. Now i know that there are those who drive further and can sympathize here. But i decided that i was gonna do whatever it took to make that gas last. The whole week i was very careful to not accelerate quickly at lights. I was going to drive 65-70mph on the freeway. I wasn't going to drive around during the weekend. I wasn't going to drive anywhere once i parked my car at work. My car is in good shape so i figured it might be possible to stretch out the gas for a week and a half or maybe even two weeks. I was disappointed in the results. I'll be filling up my tank today. One week and barely another day. So there goes that. Now i know the actual recommended speed for saving gas on the freeway is 55mph, but that will get you killed. There is no way you can drive 55mph on the freeway. That's like going backwards. I have noticed that others are driving slower and only a few cars will weave in and out to pass you, that's good. Unfortunelty its only going to get worse. I just might end up actually driving 55mph to and fro cuz the next gas prediction is $3.50-$3.60 in the next two weeks. I heard that this morning and wasn't thrilled. Could that actually happen? I even thought about asking nearby co-workers to carpool with me. I'm not poor but its becoming ridiculous. And then on a side note, one of the cars that was weaving in and out of traffic had two puppies in the back of the truck trying to huddle together to keep warm. *sigh* .........moving on....... So i just don't know what i can do to relax. Do i need a vacation? Probably, but then i'd have to pay gas to go somewhere and deal with stupid people. Should i see a shrink? Maybe. Then i can work through the issues. Should i not listen to the news anymore? No, i'm 28 not 14, i need to know what's going on and should know what's going on. Should i become an alcoholic and be oblivious to things and/or just forgot them momentarily? Could happen. So this is a moment in Lauri's brain. Annoying huh? Yeah i know. And when i get to work all i want is a cup of coffee and read my email. But guess what? On this day of being angry.....no coffee was made. If it were a twelve cup maker i'd be all over that but its a huge industrial one that will take 30 minutes to brew and i'd still have to clean it out from yesterday. Life isn't very fair. I will however try to make this day better. Its now 9:45am and i'm calming down after drinking some tea and venting to you all. Thanks for being there for me! :)


Pete said...

Some things in life are bad,
they can really make you mad.
Other things just make you swear and curse.
When you're chewin on life's gristle..don't grumble, give a whistle.
This'll help things turn out for the best.
Annnd..Always look on the bright side of life.

appojax said...

don't go to a shrink lauri he'll only prescribe you drugs which you will then have to pay for. but then again, don't you work in the drug industry.

Jeff said...

Don't do anything stupid like give up drinking.