Monday, May 22, 2006

Have you heard the news...

So, like any other morning, I check my e-mail first thing at work (because who wants to work while you are basically still sleeping, that provides for many errors) Anyway, I see that I have a message from myspace. Apparently, I have a friend request from someone named Pete. Could this be true, or just a joke. Had Pete D actually fallen for the myspace trick. Sure enough, I viewed the profile and it is Pete D. Had he been weakened by the fact that we are all on it? What had happened? How had this happened? All that shit talking and here he is. Who would have though?

Well, Pete, welcome to myspace. Does this mean that Randy will be making a reappearance to myspace now that Pete has been seduced by it?


appojax said...

peter will you b my fren?

Jeff said...

Pete - you're on my list

Anonymous said...

If this social disese called my space can consume pete, nobody is safe, nobody!

Jeff said...

I'm safe. I don't need to troll for teenage girls/boys on the internet.