Sunday, January 27, 2008

Mental Ejaculate

My new favorite line from The Big Lebowski:

"Walter, I love ya, but sooner or later your going to have to face the fact that you're a Goddamn Moron!"


"I'm sorry your stepmother's a nympho"

Here's a question, Why was Cost Plus both closed and full of employees today? they kept shooing us away as we drove through the parking lot? CIA Black Ops?

I propose a new Sunday tradition, Sunday Champagne Brunch at Acapulco. It's expensive, but I can eat that Al Pastor for days.

Coffee and boredom do not mix well.

I hit a new low and washed my work shirts in the sink to avoid the laundrymat.

I was having a very bad Friday when on my way into my apartment, one of my neighbors, whom I've never met, offered me a case of beer. Apparently he works at the Miller Brewery and gets 3 cases a month. Sure it was MGD but you put a lime in that shit and you're good to go. Needless to say, I indulged and substantially brightened up my Friday. The Universe is a strange and wonderful place.

Which one of you Knuckleheads is having a Superbowl party? I miss the 511 Superbowl parties. What are the rules of a superbowl party? Is it mandatory to be engrossed in the game? The problem with that is, who's got a place big enough for everybody to comfortably sit and watch the game? What about multiple locations with a max capacity of 7?

Super Tuesday is coming? How do you feel about your choice of candidates?

One final question and this one I expect an answer to: If you were a character on The Big Lebowski, who would you be? Not who would you want to be, but who WOULD you be. I think I would be Donny, Lauri says she would be Maude (I can kinda see that). Randy would be the Dude. Alex would be Walter. (I know he will be demanding an explanation.)


Randy said...

I simply LOVE the fact that I am the Dude!

appojax said...

I want to be Flea, because he, too, loves the Los Angeles Lakers. That is all.

Anonymous said...

I would say that i would be the cop that kicks the Dude out of Malibu

Jeff said...

I don't know Pete. I feel pretty Donny sometimes. I see you as the Stranger (Sam Elliot) except you don't drink sarsparilla and you get angry a lot like Walter.

Alex said...

Jeff i get angry more than Pete. I suppose that's why he picked me. But that's cool I would like to throw a bowling ball at somebody.

Lynlee said...

I'd probably be Walter. He's a blatantly honest asshole, just like me.