Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Movie Review: Cloverfield

So the wife and I decided to honor Martin Luther King, Jr. by going to see a scary movie - Cloverfield. I'll admit it, I bought into the hype of the mysterious whatever that was the "monster" in this movie. However, in the end it was the style of the movie that kept me there more than the monster.

First things first, though. The Previews were crap. Complete crap. There was one for a movie where the new kid in town finds out that all the rich kids in town go to parties and then have ultimate fights at the end. I won't spoil it for you, but it looked worse than Pirates III. Then there was Ironman, which I will leave to Pete, the resident comic book nerd, to decide upon. There was also some piece of crap about some secret Mayan temple that turns you into a plant or something. Finally, there was a small teaser for a new Star Trek movie.

OK, Cloverfield. If you are really interested in seeing the mysterious Cloverfield monster here you go. In any case, I wasn't that surprised or impressed by the monster. I was, however, impressed with how this movie was done. It relied on the fear of the unknown to scare you more than gratuitous gore or constant startling. I'll warn you (and so will the people at the theater) that its very shaky since its filmed as if it were someone carrying a camcorder throughout the "event". There are only rare glimpses of blood and/or guts and its not gratuitous. All in all, it was a decent flick. Amanda seemed to like it more than me, but it was worth using our free passes to see it. Plus, we snuck in sandwiches.

1 comment:

Randy said...

The monster was Oprah. How disappointing.