Thursday, January 10, 2008

Why I'm a Democrat

I usually don't get political here, but 'tis the season so here is why I'm a democrat:

Education- I believe there is nothing more important in civilized society than well educated people. Well educated people are not poor. Well educated do not commit crimes. I think that we should sink more money into the education of our people than into the incarceration of our people. I believe education should be as free and as well run and funded as our courts, our Fire Departments and our Police forces. I do not believe in vouchers, because private schools are not regulated and provide poor education.

The Environment- Democrats have a better environmental record period. They are not perfect and they are not as effective at saving the environment as republicans are at destroying it. I do believe in government regulation of business to ensure good corporate citizenship. I wish the free market could solve this problem but until you investigate the environmental record of every company that produces every product you buy, I think we need the government to perform this function.

Health Care- Health care is not a huge issue for me but, while I believe in the free market, I do not believe that when that inevitable heart attack comes, I'm going to be doing any comparitive shopping for cardiologists. In fact, even if I did, I wouldn't find any bargain basement prices because health care is a legal oligopoly. There are no doctor Nick's in the real world. There are only really expensive doctors, and really expensive doctors that are government subsidized.

For that matter...

The Mistaken notion that the Free Market will solve all of our problems- It won't. The free market is a great way to sell TV's and cars and houses. Its a terrible way to provide a society with education, health care, and social safety nets. These things aren't optional or "for those who can afford them" in a civilized country they are absolute necessities.

The social safety net- I don't like welfare fraud, but I believe in the inherent disadvantage that some are placed in at birth. I'm prepared to pay someone welfare to keep them from committing crimes or begging on the street. (don't forget, it was in the Clinton administration that welfare was reformed.) Plus, if we are to be country that embraces our judeo-christian identity, a lot of that is making sure the even the least of our brothers are given second chances. Don't worry, even if with welfare you can still get as stinkin rich as you want.

I have major disagreements with republicans on social issues, but I think social issues have been given too much press in the last decade or so. I get it, they are sexier than all this economic mumbo jumbo but they really aren't what makes a political party.

Of course the last six years have given me a lot of reasons to side with the democrats but above are my core beliefs and the reasons why, unless there were a huge shift in philosophy, I could never vote for a republican no matter how spineless and vague our candidates have become.

Here's where I have disagreements with Democrats.
All these programs and regulations are costly and I don't think that more taxes are the way to pay for them. I think that if the government is going to involved with as much as we democrats want it to be, then a major overhaul is required to make government agencies much more efficient so that they can stand up against their free market counterparts. President Clinton was right when he said "the era of big government is over."

Union labor- I believe in worker's right and minimum wages, and I understand why unions were formed. But high (really unreasonable) union wages are driving jobs out of the country. And unions are becoming self defeating when GM had to lay people off this year because it could not afford to continue to pay retirement salaries at the same time as current salaries, democrats should have moved to make the unions fall in line. But there are a lot of long standing votes there.
I do not believe in farm subsidies or any subsidies for private industry for that matter and I think ethanol is a corn farmers scam.

There it is, have ats.


Jeff said...

I agree with you on a lot of those points, but my biggest problem with the Democrats is that they say that they stand for all of those things, but do they actually act upon their beliefs? Not in many cases. That's why, outside of the next 30 days when I'm a Democrat again so I can vote for Obama in the primaries, I am not either Democrat or Republican.

Anonymous said...

pete, brainiac. i have some ideas for your masthead, one of which includes a paper airplane...holla atcha boi.

Pete said...

Email me some roughs.