Tuesday, April 11, 2006


1. Compulsive physiological and psychological need for a habit-forming substance
2. The condition of being habitually or compulsively occupied with or or involved in something.

As you can see these two definitions of addiction have something in common the word habit.
For some people addiction is a serious problem. I never have really had that problem. Either I am too dense to realize I am addicted or just generally speaking don't have an addictive personality. I used to smoke, I stopped. Haven't smoked for a while. I can't say how long cause I forgot. I drink, usually copious amounts. I have not taken a drink fro 11 days and will not for at least 19 more days after that who knows. The closest thing I am addicted to now would be caffeine. Well caffeine and The Disney Channel. I changed the color of that last part to more closely match the background of our blog because it is a bit embarrasing. I am sure you can figure out what it says but if you are really having problems with it just scroll over and all shall be revealed.
I am a 28 year old man who for some inexplicable reason is addicted to The Disney Channel. I don't know what it is, I come home from work and usually not much is on but I could play a game or surf the web or any number of things yet I choose to sit down on my couch and change the channel to Channel 48 on my TV and watch some of my favorite shows. Those shows are

Now these shows if you haven't already guessed by the titles and summaries I have linked to are not geared for the age bracket I reside in. They are more geared to the age bracket I was in about 15-16 years ago. Maybe that. These are just the shows on from the hours of 11PM - 12:30PM. These shows make up a good portion of what I watch on The Disney Channel. What I haven't included is one of the new shows I watch religiously.

I realize what you are either thinking to yourself or saying out loud to yourself. It probably is somewhere along the lines of "WTF"! Which if I have to explain the acronym. Never mind. So I have now told you some of the reasons I inexplicably watch The Disney Channel. Now let me give you some more. BTW I do realize about half of you stopped reading this awhile ago. Your loss. So not only are the TV shows oddly entrancing, but so are the Original Movies slyly coded as DCOM. I am sure by now you have heard of the most popular one ever.

High School Musical has been tabbed a "Grease" for the generations of tweeners and teens who watch The Disney Channel. This thing has blown up read the article I mean it is amazing what it has done. Anyway it is just another reason I can't turn away from this media giant that has ensnared me.

I know by now you all probably think I am a big weirdo who enjoys watching kids shows. Don't judge me. I am not sure how it all started or why I can't just stop and do or watch something else. I have over 100 channels I am sure something else is on. Oddly I don't seem to care. Oh well. Bye for now!!


Pete said...

THAT was an awesome post. and THAT is why when the great cleansing comes to the Rat Race blog you will be spared.

Alex said...

I'm the one that started the whole thing. Randy gave it a try one night and decided he liked it.

appojax said...

shit in college i used to like to watch zoom. lordy those kids were smart.

Jeff said...

They used to have a show called Bug Juice, which was basically a reality show based on kids at summer camp. I watched every minute of an 8-hour marathon once...it was like crack.

Lauri said...

i kinda use to watch the show with Nick S. in it. but i couldn't finish a whole episode.

Kujo said...

i love the insight in to the life of randy. i demand more.