Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Is anyone out there?

Pete, you were so right. Except for Lauri this place is a blogging desert. Where has everyone gone? I come to the rat race every morning to get the scoop. I don't search us weekly for new about Britney and K-Fed. I come here to read stories about baby doves and drunkin' karaoke with porn stars. Give me something people...anything, make up something I don't care. I'm begging you, provide me with stuff to brighten my day.


Anonymous said...

Maybe you shouldn't be so picky about who can post, maybe you should invite somebody back into the blog world, maybe they might have a voice, I know a guy who can solve your delima, a nice good looking upstanding gentelman who goes by the name of TMoney Bitches

Randy said...

I would post but my entertainment gossip posts didn't seem to round up such an audience so for now I am trying to come up with something else besides my day at work stories.

Kujo said...

blogging is give and take... as a member you are responsible to add interesting stories too. and is that a tom sighting??