Saturday, April 15, 2006

A Climate Change

So I was sitting around yesterday with not much to do. I had the day off as usual. A little off topic but you know what the weirdest thing about not drinking is for me. It results in a lot of sitting around with nothing to do. When I was drinking I could go to a bar or call somebody up and go to Happy Hour or just sit on my couch and drink a nice, cold beer. Now I have a lot of down time that is spent in my apartment. I realize I could get up and go out, take a hike, run around the block or some other activity. All that is great but another realization I have come to is I don't like to exert myself very often. Anyway this is all beside the point back to my original thought.
So I was sitting around yesterday with not much to do so I turned on the TV. After all I HEART TV. So I was flipping around the channels. I know what you're thinking no nothing good was on The Disney Channel. I started watching those lame sports shows where everyone has an opinion about someone or something and they all don't agree. So I grew weary of that quickly and kept flipping around.
Then I change it to HBO and "Day After Tomorrow" was on. Now this was only a decent disaster film I mean the effects and visual disaster scenes were awesome but the characters were stereotypical and the story was about as predictable as the sun rising in the east and setting in the west. I sat there though for a good two hours watching this movie that I had seen before and the funny thing was I was entertained by it and actually found myself wondering what would happen if something like this really happened. A climate change so drastic that we would within a day enter a new ice age. I
magine starting anew, knowing what we know now would we rebuild our country exactly the way it is now? Or would we learn from mistakes made in the past? Would we create a country as dependent on gasoline as ours is now? I found myself pondering those questions as well as some others, most fallacies in the film but let's ignore those.
If thrown into a new Ice Age would us and by us I mean the people I know survive? Would we be able to adapt to the change? Would we strive to make the world a better place? Would we relish the chance to start over and shape the world? Or would we just do the bare minimum to get things back to the way they were before disaster struck?
Anyway so as you can clearly tell I was in sort of a philosophocal mood yesterday. I was gonna post all this last night but I got tired and went to bed instead after watching some of my Disney Channel of course. So think about those questions and answer themif you like in a response post or comment. See ya later!!

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