Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Maybe this will light a fire under our asses

So... I've heard a nasty rumor around town. I heard (from his own mouth) that Pete is tempted to delete us all from blogging privileges (except for himself, Lauri, and Randy). People, do you know what that means??? We will only be allowed to comment on their blogs, nothing more. I think this might have something to do with their pact to not drink until Vegas. Are they mad at us because we have not made some crazy decision to not stop stop drinking? So, get it together and blog up a storm so we don't get kicked off this party of a blog.


Pete said...

perhaps I'll start from the bottom of the list and delete one a week until I'm satisfied. That means you Bima who promised not to pull a Tom.

Alex said...

It's not the drinking pact. Cuz I'm not in that pact. I haven't blogged in so long cuz I've been super busy. Oh shit I gotta go! See Ya!

Lynlee said...

Wait, I'm second from the bottom! This isn'tlooking good for me. Tim hates Alex by the way

appojax said...

why does tim mistreat alex so?

oh by the way thank you for the vegas room tip. i will be cancelling my reservation at the flamingo for 218 USD now, and switching to the IP, where my poor ass belongs. maybe stevie wonder'll deal me some 21s.

Kujo said...

this blog has too many members anyway. i say cut the dead weight