Wednesday, January 25, 2006

aahhhh the Frivolity

Since Jeff is covering all the political bases, i'm gonna write about something frivolous.

Welcome to Pete's celebrity and pop-culture report:

The first item on the Agenda is Tom Cruise. Is it just me or do you guys just fucking cringe when you see that guy these days. I grew up on Tom Cruise movies, the homoerotic undertones of Top Gun, Cocktail and, A Few Good Men, have given me the liberal view of homosexuality I now posses, and have eased us into the Brokeback Mountain era. However, with his recent scientologistic meltdown and his corruption and insemination of Joey Potter (AKA Katie Holmes) I can't even stand to look at the Fucker. A few weeks ago, Alex and I went to see a movie (Brokeback Mountain, its okay to admit it Alex these people are our friends) and they showed a preview of MI:3. I just grew sick to my stomach watching that lunatic trying to be a tough secret agent. He's the Anti-Bond. I could see Alex was sharing my disgust as I saw him shaking his head and whispering to himself, "God I hate Tom Cruise."

Second on our adgenda is how we can make the world a better place one movie at a time. If Hollywood is interested in making the world a better place and movie goers want to participate here all we have to do: Stop making movies. Stop going to see movies. Here are a list of movies that you should be ashamed to have made, or ashamed to have seen:
Cheaper By the Dozen 2 (Are you really that desparate for Money Steve Martin?)
Big Mama's House 2 (I can't imagine why Paul Giammotti didn't sign up fo rthe sequel)
Duece Bigalow European Gigalo (Really, any movie with Rob Schnieder)
The Pink Panther (Steve Martin, you had such potential, why couldn't you just go and piss on Peter Seller's grave and save us the aggravation?)
That movie thats a cross between the Brady Bunch and Cheaper by the Dozen with Dennis Quaid, I can't remember the name because I tried to erase it from my memory right after seeing the Trailer.
Dumb and Dumberer
American Wedding
The Rundown
Flight of the Phoenix
Anyway, you get the idea. If you either made or went to see any of these movies, shame on you you're contributing to the downfall of Society.
One more thing...When is Ghostbusters 3 coming out?

What else?
I just heard that two of the only decent shows on TV have been cancelled, Scrubs and The Book of Daniel. Probably to make way for another show where people lose weight, or eat disgusting things or, here's a new one, lose weight while having to eat disgusting things. Better that anything non-reality get cancelled, we wouldn't want to have the Networks paying actors and writers, they get paid too much, I'm looking your direction cast of Friends. How does it feel to have ushered in the age of idiocy on TV?

I knew that Blogger is run by google and I give them props for not giving in to government pressure to provide user searches, but I have to take those props right back for giving into pressure from the Chinese government to censor searches on thier Chinese servers. Just like microsoft and yahoo did. You're already billionaires is it worth selling your soul to a totalitarian government so you can become GAzillionaires? I think not. You've become complicit, how does that feel. Not too good. Then again I use google and the products of its advertisers so now I'm complicit. This shit sucks.

We had the One Ring Celebration at work this weekend where nerdy girls show up in bodices with lots of leather and laces that push thier boobs all up and together drawing attention away from thier acne, frizzed out hair and coke bottle glasses (Lauri's gonna kill me for that one... not for the boobs comment but because I made fun of they way nerdy girls look) Also, Elijah Wood and Sean Astin can express thier man love for each other freely. (You boys sure found a way to pass the time on Barad Dur, yes another Brokeback Mountain/LOTR reference, so?) I went to the mic during question and answer session and asked Sean Astin what it was like to work with Kevin Bacon in White Water Summer and why during the body of the movie he looked like he did in Goonies but during the Porlogue, epilogue, and intelude he looks like he does now. But he was too busy gazing longingly at Elijah Wood to answer my question. Did this really happen? Deduce what you know of me and figure it out for yourself.
Anyway, I'm happy to say the show was poorly attended. Evidence that LOTR will soon fade back into obscurity. I'm more comfortable with it there. Its like when your favorite punk band makes it big and you long for the days when only you knew about them....yeah, like that.
Thats it for now.


Jeff said...

You want to know who goes to see those movies? My students. I mentioned that I wanted to see Munich and they had no idea what I was talking about. They asked me what the last movie I saw was. I told them "The Squid and the Whale" and they stared blankly. They asked what the best movie I saw this year was. I told them "Good Night and Good Luck" and the laughed because they thought it was porn. They will likely see Big Mamma's House 2 and I'm sure they'll get chubbies over Mission Impossible 3. They were all excited over the re-make of "The Longest Yard." Its disappointing, but not everybody needs the same intellectual stimulation that some of us need. Hell, I know somebody that regularly reads this blog that saw "Final Destination" in the theater.

Jeff said...

oh, and the first thought that entered my head when I thought of you and Alex going to see Brokeback Mountain was Alex turning to you and yelling "Why can't I quit you!"

Lauri said...

As far as the tv shows getting sucks!! Scrubs is so original. Its a funny comedy with a narration. Of all the other stupid drama ER shows (not including ER), i think they could have squeezed in a good comedic ER show back into the line up. This is a show that we need to start writing letters. It was accomplished with Family Guy, why not Scrubs??!! And the show Book of Daniel, it was good. I mean god forbid there be a drama about a family who's patriarch is a reverend and it be real. 7th Heaven is so of the scale with lameness that it isn't even watchable. And those of you who know me, i use to be a watcher of the show. And my final thought, there were three shows aired of Book of Daniel and now i'm 100% left hanging. Thanks a lot people!!

Pete said...

I know people who read this blog that saw Final Destination 2 in the theater. Also, I havent really seen Brokeback Mountain. It was Munich that we saw the MI3 preview at. I just wanted to piss off Alex. Not that he ever reads this. And Not that theres anything wrong with seeing Brokeback Mountain, i just haven't.

Randy said...

BTW Pete there is no way Tom Cruise impregnated Katie Holmes. He is gay and that is not his child. Immaculate Conception maybe, think about it??

Pete said...

Note my choice of words Inseminated not impregnated. Not an accident

Alex said...

I do to read this!! Why don't you see brokeback mountain along with randy. You both wanna see it. Maybe it will bring out your true feeling for one another.

Amanda Jane said...

I HAVE ALWAYS WONDERED THAT ABOUT WHITE WATER SUMMER! i'm kind of angry with you now because for a brief second i thought you actually HAD gotten up there to ask that question, and i thought i was going to finally find out the answer.

Also, I would like to add a movie to the list you made of ones you should never see: Cool World.

Pete said...

Frankly, I have to disagree with you on Cool World, I'm a Gabriel Byrne Fan, and I like the idea of all of my doodles finding life in some wierd animated world, its a bit twisted but it appeals to me. Not that it was an especially great movie, but it was an interesting concept.
Sean Astin will be back at the next LOTR conference and if i run into him I'll ask the question.