Monday, January 30, 2006

Saturday Nite

As Pete was getting home from work on Saturday, i was headed to work (our current trend). I was working at the Civic and it was an Armenian concert. I was heading to work with the intention of asking my boss if i could leave early. That didn't happen. I walk through to door to find some new guy sitting in my bosses chair. Apparently my boss became very sick and couldn't come to work. He didn't leave one single piece of information for the show available to us. We were going into the show blind. Not a good start. There are only a couple of people on the staff that i trust to give instructions too and they still can manage to mess things up. I wished Pete was there. I wasn't freaking out or anything, i just needed to take over. The guy who was replacing my boss didn't know jack about anything, he was worthless. So i handled shit! That's right i'm "tooting my own horn". Things that happened beyond my control: the show started 50 minutes late, that's right, 50 minutes! Then we had to call the paramedics during intermission, always a favorite. People were super drunk, security had to keep an eye on one guy cuz he was wasted. An usher found puke all over the balcony and then some more outside (these are middle aged adults btw). A young guy was talking to us about the strangest things, i swear he was schizophrenic, and at one point he was talking about "something to could happen during the show" it put us on guard for sure. He too was followed for a while. The singer of the concert apparently had some bad blood with another ethnic group so we had to be prepared for any action. Thankfully i had enough staff and enough guys working just in case. So instead of getting out early like i very first wanted to, i ended up being there till midnight. The show ran an hour and a half over. So that was my Saturday Nite!


Anonymous said...

I will tell you that nothing runs smoothly or normally with my armenian friends, don't know if its just a coinsidence or just a bad stereotype.

Amanda Jane said...

good job, Lauri, sounds like you had it all under control. If there's one thing I don't enjoy, it's crowd control. I had my nerdy south pas kids under control, but when it comes to events and such I'm too wishy washy and am not good at making decisions on the spot. and also people don't listen to me when I try to tell them things or instructions. The one year that I was co-advisor to the junior class and had to help be in charge of everything, I think I almost broke out in hives and had the worst headache the whole time. and that was prom! where nobody wants to mess up their nice clothes. How did I become such a nervous wreck? Can I blame it on genes?

Pete said...

Working with crowds takes practice. You just have to remember that what most people most want is order and leadership as long as you're providing some form of it, they usually listen up and fall in line. Although I have been thrown like a rag doll by a 350 pound russian once for telling him he couldn't go through a door. By the way, this little feat of House Managerial brilliance that Lauri displayed the other night was noticed by MY boss and is probably going to land her with a raise and a new and improved title and job description. And this is her SECOND job by the way. Is there anything she cant do?

Randy said...

Anything Lauri can't do? Nothing that I can come up with...