Monday, January 16, 2006


Around 8:45PM the insanity sets in and begins to take hold. As he sits listening to some new music he dowloaded off iTunes a week ago his thoughts drift towards life. With the music pounding the thin tinny sounding speakers of his desktop computer he ponders. Ok that is enough I can't think of anything I am goin insane.
It is approximately 8:50 Monday evening and there ain't shit to do here at work. As most of you know I usually am saddled with the night shift on Mondays, Tuesday and Wednesdays. Now while some people would have no problems with this, lately I have been losing it. You see once it became not busy time basically after New Years it has been dead after like 6PM. So I am sitting here with my Monday guy Kris. He is watching some crazy Japanimation and I am complaining here. Tomorrow I work with someone different, a new guy, not cool. I hate people who I work with not knowing as much as me because inevitably I end up handling all the problems or they keep asking me questions when all I want to do is dream of insane things to do that will conquer the boredom.
So what's new? I received my new Dell computer on Friday. It is all setup and my room has been semi rearranged. It is still a mess but now only because of the pile of clothes strewn across the floor. Does anybody enjoy doing laundry?? Just kidding. I am thinking about doing a bit of it Thursday cause I am running out of clean clothes. So it is about that time. Anyway back to my computer so it is all setup all the cables are plugged in and what not yet I cannot connect to the Internet and this makes me unhappy and a bit angry. I have troubleshooted using the skills I have learned and have produced no solution. So I think otnight when I get home I am going to call Dell Support and be like "Wassup bitches?" Probably not though I talk a tough game but am usually full of shit.
Last night Pete, Lauri and I went to Casino Morongo. Katie and Clay met up with us later. I had only been there one time before last night. And the last time it sucked donkey balls. This time it was better. The casino is much nicer than it was last time I was there. I still didn't win any money at all and have pretty much given up on gambling ever producing any positive results for me unless losing your money is what you look at as positive. But all in all it was a fairly good time Lauri won some money on a quarter slot in the non smoking room, Pete I think broke about even or so. We already know how I did.
That's about it for now I don't really have much of anything positive to say right now except... I would like to than Jeff and Amanda for being judges in our little Essay Contest and especially for crowning me "The Winner". That's right in case anybody hasn't checked Jeff's Blog I was awarded the prize as Best Essay. It feels good to be recognized for my ability to drink 21 beers and document the event. My liver curses you though as this will only lead to crazier schemes in an attempt to top this stunt. But screw him, my liver that is, he is a party pooper.
Anyway I guess thats all for now. Once again I would like to thank Jeff and Amanda for honoring me and my ability to get blasted on a Thursday for everyone else's reading enjoyment. And kudos to everyone else out there who submitted an Essay and I enjoyed reading all of them. Well people back to staring at the clock for another 45 minutes or so. Have a good night and a pleasant tomorrow. PEACE!


Randy said...
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Randy said...

I didn't have to call Dell after all. I got on the Internet all by myself. Still no one reads my posts. Why do I post?

Amanda Jane said...

you said "it sucked donkey balls." If I wasn't so much of a lady I'd use that expression more often.