Thursday, January 19, 2006

well helllllooooo....

hi everyone! i'm still here in texas visiting the family. we're having a good time... sadly my trip is already coming to a close on saturday. i'll recap my stay so far (the abridged version):

my flight got in around 4:00pm. actually, it was exactly 4:00pm... right on time. don't you love that? my parents picked me up, we drove home, hung out for a while and then went to dinner with my sisters.
went for a drive through the countryside. it was such a gorgeous day!! my father drives like a maniac... he needs his license revoked.
me, my parents, and sisters went down to fort worth to a livestock show/rodeo!... lol. which was actually a lot of fun. it's basically the county fair without all the lameness. lots of animals, lots of cowboys!
waited for leslie to get off work, then we went to check out some apartments. just chilled for the rest of the day.
leslie and i went back to one apartment community that we loved and signed a lease! = o so... i guess it's official now, i'm moving out here in march. (gulp) i've been dying to see brokeback mountain but no one wanted to join me, so i went to go see it last night by myself. that was the first time i've been to the theater solo. that movie was incredible. i think it changed my life.
i couldn't sleep so i got up pretty early. then i loafed around in my pajamas until 3:30pm or so... lol. then les and i went out to best buy, target, you know... just browsing.
who knows
i'm on my way back to socal. hopefully lauri picks me up at the airport? hint, hint :)

and that brings me to now. i was online checking out my happenings and decided to contribute a report on my life outside the rat race. by the way, i have a date on saturday night! heehee... he's a teacher- middle school math and science and a college oceanography course. so basically, out of my league... lol. wish me luck!


Amanda Jane said...

but wait! this date is on saturday in socal? But you're moving to texas soon...are you sure you want the date to go well? i guess that's two solid months to have fun.

Lauri said...

I'm totally going to pick you up from the airport. In fact, i'm going to be leaving today at 3:30pm (friday) to come and get you...LOL! That's our story ok?!