Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Happy Benito Juarez Day

That's right kids it is Benito Juarez Day. Wow how time flies...First St. Patricks Day now Benito Juarez Day. I mean the holiday season is officially upon us.
Ok now that the important stuff has been taken care of onto more non-important stuff. I was gonna talk about famous people whose birthday is today. But it's really only Benito Jaurez. Man that just threw my whole first half out the window. Shit.
Ok well hmmm...Here we go. It seems like NBC has pulled the plug on the unfunny Four Kings. This according to a report from The Futon Critic. Repeats of My Name is Earl will be shown in it's place.
Let's talk about sequels. There are quite a few out there on the horizon. Here are just a few sequels either filming now or set to begin filming. First up we have Evan Almighty a sequel to the Jim Carrey film Bruce Almighty. Carrey is not attached to this idea so the film will instead focus on Steve Carrell's character. We'll have to see how that pans out. My guess...Ughhhhhh. Next up Batman Begins I have heard some rumors they are considering Dane Cook as The Joker. Please God say it ain't so. First of all I realize that while The Joker is a BIG Batman villain. He should be off-limits in these new movies. Nobody can do The Joker like Jack Nicholson did The Joker. Say what you will about the older Batman movies. But Jack in the first one was The Joker. Frankly if you ask me, any post-Jack Nicholson attempt to portray The Joker is a disaster waiting to happen no matter who plays the part.
Of course you already knew another Narnia is on the way. Disney is never one to turn it's back on a sequel. In more exciting sequel news it seems like the Weinstein Bros. are interested in Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon movies. And finally, it sounds like we'll finally see a Spider-Man 3 preview when Talladega Nights hits theaters this summer, even though Spidey isn't scheduled to return until 2007.
Who is excited about Superman Returns? Someone at Ain't It Cool News has seen footage of the new flick and has posted what he saw. Now be fair warned I am linking to this review but there are spoilers galore so only read if you don't mind not being surprised. Go here for the review but you can't say I didn't warn you. A new trailer for the Vince Vaughn & Jennifer Aniston vehicle The Break-Up is online and actually looks funnier than I expected. That is still not saying much though considering what I expected.
This is possibly the most bizarre yet intriguing thing I have ever seen.
SNAKES ON A PLANE. Please watch this trailer.
This is an actual movie people. Hey it starts Samuel L. Jackson so it can't be bad, right? One thing you can say about Sam Jackson, by the time he retires from movies he will have starred in more crap than anyone else on the face of the planet. I actually though caught myself thinking, How did the snakes get on the plane? How are there so many? Is it really that easy to shoot a snake with a taser? So many questions. I must see it again.
OK I could talk about some more news like the latest on Nick Lachey & Kristin Cavallari which is all the rage now. But I am tired of typing and worn out from SNAKES ON A PLANE. So I am going to take off for now. You will just have to wait till tomorrow for more exciting news.
Have a good night or day depending on when you read this. Bye.


Jeff said...

Here's the thing...Samuel L. Jackson is a pimp, but he was in "The Man" with Eugene Levy, which shows that your argument is wrong

Lynlee said...

Jeff, did you actually see "the Man" Please tell me that you did not see it. And Randy, thanks for that second link I was tempted to ask who exactly is Benito Juarez

Pete said...

And lets not forget Formula 54, Formula 51? I dont know. He is an overrated actor that will be ina any movie yo ask him to.

Jeff said...

I saw the trailer, which was enough. Jackson's career peaked with Pulp Fiction, and went downhill with the purple light saber.