Wednesday, March 01, 2006

My four and some other stuff...

Here i am at work. I'm sick and i'm going to leave early. I can't be made to feel guilty cuz Sheila isn't here anymore. She left yesterday and now i'm silent in my office. No laughing or goofing off. Its pretty lame. So since its quiet i'll do my four things.

Four jobs i've had:
1. usher
2. blockbuster
3. florist
4. mfg. manager

Four movies i can watch over and over:
1. Little Women
2. Bambi
3. Moulin Rouge
4. A River Runs Through It

Four books i can read over and over:
1.-4. I try not to read a book more than once, its boring to me.

Four places i've lived:
1. Houston, Texas
2. Pasadena
3. Tujunga
4. Glendora

Four places i've vacationed:
1. Yosemite
2. San Clemente
3. San Mateo
4. That other beach that i can't remember right now.

Four tv shows i love:
1. Scrubs (which Alex was all over last night)
2. A Baby Story, A Wedding Story (its kinda the same thing)
3. The Office
4. Trama Life in the ER

Four of my favorite dishes:
1. Pasta from Carmines
2. Pasta from anywhere really
3. Sushi
4. Pickles (just plain ol pickles)

Four websites i visit daily:
1. our blog
2. Jeff's blog
3. monterey bay aqaurium web cams
4. craigs list

Four places i'd rather be right now:
1. home
2. disneyland
3. vegas
4. yosemite

Four of my favorite sayings (my addition):
1. "Sweet Biscuts"
2. "...or something like that..."
3. "wait, what?"
4. "Cool beans"

1 comment:

Jeff said...

Was this the episode of scrubs that Alex had his junk fondled? Please tell me someone TIVO'd that shit.